For several months in my life, I had a severe "pity party." I was angry toward God because He refused to match my self-prophesied life plans. Ridiculous. I know... But in talking to other parents I find that I am not alone in my bitterness struggle. Parenting is not what we expect. The days are long. The work is brutal. Of course, there are ...
When we dreamed about a family, my husband and I never imagined the challenges that we would face. It wasn't in our plans to have children with diagnoses and disabilities. But, none of this was a surprise to God. He knew that our children would need us; and we would need them.
This blog was started to encourage and help families, especially those with challenging children. While reading these posts, I pray that you will find ideas to implement in your home. Secondly, I pray that you will find hope and encouragement knowing that you are not alone. Finally, we pray that God will use Our Story to encourage you.
Why Early Intervention is So Important
You don't have to travel far into a conversation with me to know that I am a firm believer in early intervention. I've seen firsthand the difference it makes. I've also seen the struggles that occur when professional services are not sought for a child. Early intervention provides a child with the professional help he or she needs to address ...
Simple Ways to Provide Sensory Input When Away From Home
Several times on this blog, I have talked about the amazing transformation that occurs when my boys jump on a trampoline. From complete meltdown to controlled behavior and focus. Something happens in their brains while jumping to help them regain control and obey. Sometimes I wish I owned a portable trampoline. One that would fit in my purse ...
Guest Post: The Unexpected Journey Part 2
Her 13-month-old daughter refused to eat any solid foods and was not growing. For all moms, this statement takes our breath away. But this is exactly where Cindy found herself two months ago. Did you read her story? Today Cindy is returning to update us on her Unexpected Journey. To make a long story short, something "clicked" for my baby ...
Teaching Your Child to Read: When Your Child is Struggling
You've read to your child, "Picture Walked" through books, and discussed comprehension questions. You've taught the child the phonetic sound of each letter and the child can combine the sounds to form words. You've used a quality phonics-driven curriculum to provide the child with a solid foundation. According to this blog series ...
Guest Post: The Unexpected Journey {The Beginning}
Are you in a time of waiting? Waiting for answers? Waiting for God to move? We've all been there. But I think it is especially hard when the waiting involves our children. Today I invite you to a story of interrupted expectations, unknown answers, and waiting. I asked Cindy to share her journey as I know that many of you will ...
Ways to Serve Parents of Children with Special Needs
Throughout life's challenges, we have had people tell us "Let us know if you need help." I have learned that people either say this to make themselves feel better - like offering to help takes them off the hook - or they say it because they really don't know what to do. One area of my life that I have received many blank stares is coming along ...
How to Change a Child’s Heart
It has been a very difficult three months with Little Man. Completely absorbed in himself, he battles lies, lacks self-control, and struggles with defiance. He wants what he wants and no consequence is going to cause him to think twice. Every time Little Man bows up, my demeanor falls as I know it will be yet another battle that I have to win. ...
When a Door is Closed…
source And like that the door is closed. I am no longer the mom of littles. Yesterday I delivered all four of my children to elementary and middle schools to learn, grow, and love others for another school year. They are big kids now and I don't like it. My babies are growing up. Obviously I knew this day ...
A Parent’s Prayer for the School Year
It's mid-August and in a blink I am closing the door on being a mom of preschoolers and opening the door to life as a mom of a middle school pre-teen and three elementary-aged children. So many emotions in that statement. As I begin this new stage of life, I know that I need God's wisdom and strength. I need His ...