Several times in my teenage years, I had the opportunity to make individual servings of homemade ice cream. As an activity at church and youth group a few times. We actually made it at school in a Family Living class I took to provide us with examples of creating traditions in a family. It was fun and memorable experience each time. In creating ...
Impressing on Children
Why I {Hate} the Word “Bored”
There are a few phrases that are not allowed to be said in our home. One such phrase is, "This is boring." or the popular "I am bored." Basically the same. Honestly, I can think of only one or two times that I have heard it come out of the mouths of my babes. And each time it occurred because my children heard it from some ...
So Much Easier To Do It Myself
source I was shocked to hear at my checkout counter a mom state her own laziness. While "It is so much easier to do it myself" does not sound like a lazy comment, I knew the context. She explained that it was too much work to train her child to clean. Much easier to do the work on her own and leave her son out of it. Working in the ...
Preparing to Impress {Weekly Lesson Plans into Daily Activities}
source During this time of year the anxiety kicks up several levels. The pressure and expectations that we all feel cause panic to run in. And almost every time, a slew of questions pertaining to one particular subject hit the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group. How Do I Break the Weekly Lesson Plans into Daily Activities? If you have ...
Will You Make the Pledge with Me?
Pin It I once heard a mom say, “When my daughter is older I don’t want her to ___ but I know that when the time comes I will give in.” Really? I felt very sad for this mom. She already had decided that she would cave to her daughter’s wishes despite the fact that she knew it was not a good decision. In reading an article in the ...
Put the Fire Out!
Need a fun outside game that incorporates gross and fine motor skills...and water? This activity is great for this time of year when it may be too cool to swim but the kids are begging to play in water. Several years ago I found the idea of "Put the Fire Out" on This website has several great ideas to include gross and ...
Review: God, I Need to Talk to You About…
Pin It I was introduced to these little gems a few years ago while writing the 4 Year ABC Jesus Loves Me Curriculum. Looking for books to teach character, I loved the simplicity and Biblical foundation that these books provided. And from your response, you agree. The “God I Need to Talk To You About” series contains 24 ...
16+ Learning Activities with Easter Eggs
They sell them for pennies. And if you attend just one Easter Egg hunt you come home with 25+ of them. Plastic Easter eggs. A waste or fabulous teaching tools? Easter eggs can bring fun to almost any learning objective any time of the year. Here are some ideas to help get you started. Math - Basic hide and seek. Then have the child ...
Guest Post: 20 Resurrection Eggs for Easter
Click here to view the updated post: Resurrection Eggs Discover a plethora of FREE Easter activities for the whole family on the ABCJesusLovesMe website! ...
Review: Lily’s Easter Party: The Story of the Resurrection Eggs
Click here to view the updated post: Resurrection Eggs Discover a plethora of FREE Easter activities for the whole family on the ABCJesusLovesMe website! Thank you to Zonderkidz for allowing me to review this book. ...