Aren't these fun letters? Our babysitter brought over the supplies to make Puffy Paint Letters with our kids. The kids had such a great time that they didn't realize that they were learning and working their fine motor skills. Mix in a little finger-paint action for a science experiment makes this activity a win-win situation for ...
Impressing on Children
Ideas to Transition from a Children’s Bible to a Scripture Bible
Several of you have asked on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group for a good transition between Children's Bibles and adult Bibles. How do you move from stories to actual verses? Zondervan has several great options with their top selling Adventure Bible. Their latest release is the fully colored Adventure Bible for Early Readers using the New ...
How to Teach Your Children to Apologize
A friend shared this formula for teaching children to apologize. I love the inner two steps! This is Shepherding a Child's Heart at its best! 1. Apologize for the specific action done. Being specific is the key to this step. 2. Explain why the action was wrong. Focus on the heart of the issue. The Fruit of the Spirit or ...
Best Free Computer Learning Websites
credit Below is a list of free computer games available online which we have stumbled upon, our kids use at school, or their teachers have suggested to us. All are educationally driven. Several of these we will use for fun learning this summer. Math Multiplication Games for addition, subtraction as well as multiplication. Xtra ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Q/A
credit Since beginning our Money Management for Children program a week ago, I have been collecting your questions. Here are my thoughts! Q: This sounds like an allowance program and that you are paying your children to do basic chores. A: I have been admittedly against paying our children for basic chores and fought it for a ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children
I have been like an octopus reaching in every direction for something that would work. Considering that I was seeking an idea to cover three different avenues of parenting, it's no wonder that it took so long to find what I was looking for. I wanted something that would teach our children financial wisdom. I needed something that ...
Seven Truths About Real-Life Parenting
Real-Life Parenting ...
Teachable Moments and God’s Character
To conclude our series on Teachable Moments, I want to explain how the Holy Spirit has taught me to use the characteristics of God to impress upon my children. I love explaining to our kiddos who God is because God doesn't change and what they are learning will stay with them their entire lives. When they make a wrong choice, we talk about ...
Teachable Moments and Bible Stories
I believe there are three avenues in which we can impress God upon our children through teachable moments. Yesterday I shared how the Holy Spirit is helping me use Bible verses. Another way is to use Bible stories. (Read the beginning of the Teachable Moments series.) Think Jonah, Paul, Moses, and Noah. Yes, those Bible ...
Teachable Moments and Bible Verses
Now that you know what teachable moments are, and when, where and why they should occur, I pray that you have begun seeing them pop up in your daily activities and conversations. (Begin with the first post of this series.) In today's post, I am going to share how to utilize the teachable moments when they come up. In my mind, the ...