Valentine's Day is just around the corner. One of the activities for "Love" on the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum website is to create a heart chain. It would be a great way to count down or up to Valentine's Day. Mix in some of the ideas from the Thanksgiving Chain of Praise or Chain of Blessings to create a "Chain of Love." Choose ...
Impressing on Children
Thank You Cards that Teach Gratitute But Don’t Take Until February to Finish
In our home "Thank You" cards are part of life. Whenever one of us is given something - whether tangible or not - a "Thank You" card is given in return. By creating these cards we are establishing a thankful and grateful heart in our children. Character traits that we want all of our children to have. Our kiddos do really well making one or ...
Christmas Traditions: Traditions to Make Your Own
So far, I have shared with you specific ideas to keep Jesus and others the center of your Christmas activities. But, I have only touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to options. Here are a few more. But for these ideas, I am not sharing specifics, just the ideas for you to make them your own. Look through photo albums. Laugh ...
Blessing Ornaments: Tying the Holidays Together
One of the things I struggle with this time of year is tying Thanksgiving with Christmas. It seems I focus a little on Thanksgiving and a lot on Christmas, but I fail to tie the two together. I love the idea of Blessing Ornaments that Amy shared with me. Supplies: - fillable glass Christmas ornaments- crayons, markers, or pens- strips of ...
A Countdown to Christmas Book List
On the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group, Helen shared an idea that she found on Pinterest to wrap and read one book per day as a countdown to Christmas or for Advent. I love the idea! There is a plethora of wonderful children's books focusing on Christmas so I assumed that finding 25 quality books would be a cinch. But in my ...
Thanksgiving Bible Verses and Printables
The Bible is filled with verses concerning thanksgiving. November is a wonderful time to help your child (and yourself) memorize these. Thank you to Amy at Traurigs In Training for sharing printables to go along with a few of these verses. Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; ...
Christmas Square Activity
Colors and shapes can be taught throughout the year. Christmas is a great time to work on red and green, squares and rectangles. Here is an activity shared with me by Dina on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group that focuses on squares. Print the Square Christmas Present. Cut small squares of green and red construction paper to glue on the ...
Helping Children Take a Thankful Bite
How many of you have memories of sitting at the table hours after a meal finished because you didn't eat everything or refused to try a morsel of broccoli, brussel sprouts, or beets? I do. And if you asked many in my generation why we were told to eat the particular item, we would have said something like, "Because my parents told me to." ...
Filling Halloween with Light
What's a Christian Family to Do with Halloween? ...
If Your Child Can Memorize Dora…
source Daily, I receive emails and comments from friends of ABC Jesus Loves Me Preschool Curriculum and this blog. These emails encourage me so much and I praise God for each of you who take a moment to bless me. A few days ago I received this email from an ABCJLM user in Florida. It was what she said about Dora that made me stop and ...