We love to be outside. Whether swimming in the summer, biking throughout the year, or sitting around the fire in the fall, we love the bonding the outside provides our family. As a Type A momma, I love how it forces me to forget about the mounds of dishes and laundry that require my attention and the pages of emails that beg my reply. I can ...
God Accepts Me. Do I Accept Me?
Grace. Faith. Peace. We want them. We need them. But do we understand on a personal level what each word means? I don't. I think I came a little closer to understanding when I listened to a Focus on the Family broadcast of the late Pastor Adrian Rogers. Read with me what Pastor Rogers shared. Grace. God's acceptance of me as a ...
Do You Know the Most Depressing Verses in the Bible?
The Most Depressing Bible Verses ...
Do You Fall Into the Comparison Trap?
image used by permission We all do it. Compare the things we own (or the bank owns). Compare the knowledge we have. Compare the marriage we have. ....Compare our children. As we begin another school year, read this great reminder from Becky. “I need to teach Jack the bible stories!” I said to myself as I left a playdate ...
How to Daily Pray for Your Spouse
This post has been updated and the daily prayers for your spouse is now available as a free printable. Once again I found an idea from my Women's Ministry folder that I wanted to pass along. Today it is daily scripture based prayers to pray for your spouse. While they are written for a wife to prayer over her husband, each ...
How to Daily Pray for Your Children
This post has been updated and the daily prayers for your children is now available as a free printable. Sometimes we don't know how to pray. Other times we get overwhelmed by the magnitude of all we need to pray for our children. Below is a daily schedule that I found in my Women's Ministry folder with prayers based upon Scripture. Print this ...
Creation Scavenger Hunt
Creation Scavenger Hunt ...
Our Summer Schedule: Contributions & Visual Schedule
If you hang out with me for a time, you will hear me say the phrase "gift of work" several times. I am convinced that one of my jobs as a mom is to give my children the gift of work - to build them a work ethic. Summer is a fabulous time to do this as the time is more readily available and chores are available outside and ...
Money Management and Behavior System for Children: Quarters
credit Yesterday I set up our Money Management and Behavior System for Children called Quarter Coaching and explained how it works. Today, I want to expound a little further on the quarters and provide you with a week long example. When setting up this program I wanted to reward the children for contributing to the family and ...
Let Go, Let God Image
I saw a pin on Pinterest that immediately spoke to my heart. I don't know who to give credit to other than a Surprisepix but it was so simple and just what I needed. As I have been reading chapter 5 and 6 of Shepherding a Child's Heart with our online book study group, it is becoming more and more clear that I can provide for my kids all the ...