Anger. I never considered myself an angry person until I had children. In .73 seconds I can go from happy as a lark to angry as a brown bear whose just had her cubs messed with. In my case, it is my cubs who have just messed with me. I hate the feeling that wells up in me. I hate the look on my children's faces when their momma is ticked ...
The List of Rules in Our Home
source I found this post from last year and thought that I would repost it because of its connection to our online book study of Tedd Tripp's book Shepherding a Child's Heart. I have found the Fruit of the Spirit to be a wonderful place to begin working on the "why's" of disobedience. One of the questions that I get asked a lot is: What ...
Are You a Human Pinball?
See if you can relate: I am "in it" right now. I have two toddler boys and another 9-month old boy following hot on their heels. I was never a super-together mom, but having my third really threw me off kilter. After four years of no breaks between pregnancies and the newborn/night feeding stage I feel like I'm in a permanent state of exhaustion. ...
How To Handle Interruptions
How many times has this happened? You fill the sink full of hot soapy water and dirty dishes. You get four dishes cleaned, rinsed, and placed in the drainer only to hear, "MOOOOMMMMM!" You leave to take care of the issue. After multiple interruptions you remember the original task at hand - the dishes. Entering the kitchen you drain the cold, ...
Wisdom on Marriage According to Ruth Graham
Trying to Be Your Husband's Holy Spirit ...
10 Tips for a Successful Marriage: Are You Doing What You Can?
This year I am celebrating huge milestones with two of my favorite couples. One, my parents. The other, our neighbors who have become like parents to us and grandparents to our kiddos. Both have done something that many have dreamed of, but few will accomplish. Both have made love "more about an act than a ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: Why I Want My Children to Be Broken
credit In November I shared a blog post called "Seven Major Blindspots of Homeschooling and Parenting." The post contained comments to an article that I read written by Reb Bradley. Not long after, I read another similar article by Barrett Johnson called "How to Raise a Pagan Kid in a Christian Home." These two articles put my brain ...
Impressing Jesus on Them: What is the Purpose of Consequences?
On Wednesdays, our newspaper prints a column by Dr. John Rosemond. While I don't agree with all of his parenting advice (especially when dealing with children who have disabilities), our overall thoughts are very similar. High expectations for all children. Boundaries that prove the test of time. Unconditional love that has no end. Pretty ...
Wisdom Learned From Raising Little Man: Training a Child to Report
Using the techniques of "Come to Mommy" and "Lock it Up" helped Little Man gain attention and immediate obedience. Once these two became habit, I realized that follow up was the next area we needed to focus on. Once again I gleaned an idea from Tae Kwon Do. Step #3 - Report (Accountability) To begin each session of Tae Kwon Do, the ...
Wisdom Learned from Raising Little Man: Teaching a Child First-Time Obedience
To being our new series "Impressing Jesus on Them," I am sharing wisdom learned from raising our third child. Little Man. Those two words bring up so much emotion. A little boy whose notorious stories and amazing conversations skills cause people to flock to him. A child who within seconds can take me from the highest of joy to ...