What I am about to tell you is something that I want you to "do what I say, not do what I do." In all honesty, my husband tends to get my leftovers. Between the children, house, and work, I am tired and each night my husband is handed a golden platter containing the few ounces of energy that I have left. Strike that. Each ...
Flick Him Off
Two weeks ago, we were thrown a curve ball. It began with the words, "severe delay." Once again, we heard that Bubs was months behind in development. A fact that takes the breath out of this momma. In January, I began to see some red flags concerning Bubs' reading and spelling. After talking to his teacher, we buckled down at home ...
Anger Management for Moms
Kids bring the worst out of their parents, especially moms. We do things and say words we never thought we would say to our own flesh and blood. A couple of weeks ago, I discussed my own anger issues and tendency to yell at my children out of frustration. In this post, I shared some ideas that I have found in helping with ...
Little Ones Who Wake Up Way Too Early
If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! We hope that you will stay awhile and check out the rest of Parenting to Impress Blog as well as our Free Preschool Curriculum website - ABCJesusLovesMe.com. Thanks for stopping by! After encouraging each of you to rise before your children to prepare for the day, I ...
Why is Quiet Time with God so Important?
My husband interjected an interesting comment one day into a conversation that I was having with a friend. We were discussing morning quiet time and the importance of. He said, "God took Heidi to the point that she had to have quiet time to make it through the day." Backing away from the situation, I realized he was correct. The chaos, ...
Where Should I Have Quiet Time and Does it Matter?
Does Where You Have a Quiet Time Really Matter? ...
Hotel Rooms, Vacation, and Kids: 16 Tips to Success
Could we actually do this away from home? Live life as a family of six without our own beds? A local hotel voucher was just the ticket to answer our question, enabling us to be close to home and forgo the huge financial commitment. Call it a trial run. So we made our reservations, packed our bags, and began our first hotel visit. ...
Encouragement for Mommy
Need some encouragement to get through today? “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they may stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Psalm 37:23-24 As you struggle for energy, ideas, and strength throughout this day, remember that the Lord holds your ...
Is Mommy Work All in Vain?
Do you very feel like your work is in vain? Take housework. I get so frustrated that not 30 seconds after sweeping, crumbs fall to the tile like giant raindrops from the sky. Then not 15 seconds after putting all of the toys away, new toys have come for an extended visit. Or how about those moments when you make the decision to forgo what ...
How to Have a Successful Visit to an Amusement Park with Preschoolers
This summer we have had the opportunity to visit an amusement park. Since I have only ever attended with friends or with my public school students, I didn't know what to expect when taking our own preschool aged children. After two visits, we have learned to prepare so that we have a great day! Clothing Since most amusement parks have water ...