Eleven years. Can it really be that long ago that my life was severed in half? With. Without. While my heart fights to believe the truth, my head reminds me of the facts. Eleven years ago my eighteen-year-old sister's life ended. Wow...that is hard to type. Eleven years ago, my family and I began a journey of grief. Grief that ...
I Talk Too Much
I got an email from my mom the other day that said, "You talk too much." You know what? She is right! Let's back up... As I have written, Little Man has caused me to seek wisdom from some of the best disciplinarians in the world. For me, that is family members. I am surrounded by adults who know how to love, lead, and discipline children ...
Stopping a Catastrophe Before it Starts
The biggest secret for raising a child with Sensory Processing Disorder and some Spirited Children is to stop a catastrophe before it starts. The title makes it sound simple doesn't it? But, I believe this is the best way to help your child succeed. Children with sensory issues typically have random meltdowns or lose control due to over ...
Age- Appropriate Chores
Chores are a very important part of child-rearing. They teach work-ethic and responsibility. Focus on the Family has a list of age-appropriate chores in a new set of articles called "Motivating Kids to Clean Up." 1.Overview 2.Age-Appropriate Chores 3.Trade Chores With Your Kids 4.Inspire Your Kids to Do Chores 5.My Child Won't Do His ...
Sucking Your Marriage Dry?
Updated: https://parentingtoimpress.com/2017/10/divorce-proof-your-marriage.html ...
Homemade Laundry Detergent
If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! We hope that you will stay awhile and check out the rest of Our Out-of-Sync Life Blog as well as our Free Preschool Curriculum website - ABCJesusLovesMe.com. Thanks for stopping by! (Several UPDATES have been made to this post.) In all reality, I am not very "green." I don't get into ...
Road Trip Games
Updated. Click to read https://parentingtoimpress.com/2016/12/car-travel-activities-kids.html ...