If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! We hope that you will stay awhile and check out the rest of Our Out-of-Sync Life Blog as well as our Preschool Curriculum website - ABCJesusLovesMe.com. Thanks for stopping by! You know the saying, "Make the punishment fit the crime." And the older our kiddos get, the more I understand the ...
What Do I Study in Devo Time?
This post has been updated - https://parentingtoimpress.com/2018/01/ideas-daily-devotional-time.html ...
When to Have Quiet Time?
Do I Really Have to Get Up Early to Have a Quiet Time? ...
What is a Quiet Time?
What is a Daily Quiet Time? ...
Homemade Baby Wipes
If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! I invite you to stay awhile and check out the rest of Parenting to Impress Blog as well as our Free Preschool Curriculum website - ABCJesusLovesMe.com. Thanks for stopping by! Whether you are frugal, green, or just want the best for your kiddos, these baby wipes are amazing!!! Before our ...
So Much To Tell You: Message #3
Today is the conclusion of the four day series, "So Much to Tell You." If you missed the beginning post, please go back and read Day 1. Looking back over this series, I feel like a science experiment: Day #1 - Houston, we have a problem. Day #2 - Recognize the problem, unable to find solution Day #3 - Solution is found Day #4 - ...
So Much to Tell You: Message #2
If you haven't read the beginning of this blog series, please go back so that you understand the need I had for the messages. I longed for the other side but for some reason found myself unable to obtain it. The worst part of it, I didn't know what was holding me back. Why was I so drawn to the computer, to my mommy drug, which allowed me ...
So Much To Tell You: Message #1
Yesterday I handed you the key to my journal. I gave you full access to a gross truth of my life. If you missed yesterday's post, please go back and read to understand the background for Message #1. Message #1 was found in a Facebook post and in Kevin Leman's new book It's Your Kid Not a Gerbil. Hopefully you read my review about this book and ...
So Much to Tell You
Finally, I get to sit down and write this blog. I am so excited to tell you what God is teaching me right now that I can barely stand myself. I seriously have thought how wonderful it would be to have a computer hooked to my brain so that all I had to do was think it, and it would type up the document. (Might be scary to see in writing some of the ...
But I am a Martha….
The story of Mary and Martha used to make me mad. It wasn't fair and I couldn't see how Martha did anything wrong. Seriously...up until college I questioned Jesus because Mary did not help Martha. (Is my lion personality coming out strong or what?) In college I realized that it was about the focus. What was important at that moment. Read ...