Pin It Yesterday I shared with you books by my new favorite children's author - P. K. Hallinan. Most of the books are from the "Let's" series where Hallinan creatively teaches children character and manners through rhyming lines. These books are fabulous and I believe that they should be in all homes. Today, I am going to share ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Review: P.K. Hallinan Books
Pin It In November I introduced you to my new favorite kids author, P. K. Hallinan. I suggested using the book, Let's Be Thankful, to begin your Thankgiving holidays. But, P. K. Hallinan is not a one-book-wonder! He has a slew of fabulous books to use with preschool and elementary-aged children. All ...
And the Winner Is…James!
Pin It After tallying the votes, it was decided that our first online Bible study will be Beth Moore's James: Mercy Triumphs. And I can't be more excited! James is often times considered the "Proverbs of the New Testament" due to its wisdom for our daily lives. Everyone I know who has done this study has nothing but fabulous ...
How to Choose a Children’s Bible for Your Child
I am amazed at the assortment of children's Bibles available for purchase. There are rhyme Bibles, girl Bibles and boy Bibles, fluffy lamb Bibles, and seek-and-find Bibles. For older children there are action Bibles, princess Bibles, and Veggie Tales Bibles. Just when I think I have reviewed all of them, a new one becomes ...
Are You Interested in Joining a Bible Study?
Do you deisre to go deeper in your relationship with God? Do you need accountability to stay faithful in the study of the Bible? If you are like me, then you probably answered "yes" to both of these questions. "But while my spirit is willing, my body is weak." (Mark 14:38) And that is where the importance ...
Review: The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village
Pin It When asked on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group page about your favorite children's books, one of you suggested The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village by Francis Chan. With my farm-girl background, of course I had to know more. And, I was thrilled when David C. Cook allowed me to review this little gem. The villagers ...
Review: Adventure in Odyssey: The Official Guide
Pin It It's no secret that I love Adventures in Odyssey. I listen to episodes each afternoon while I update the ABCJLM website and write posts on this blog. Since my teenage years, I have enjoyed the stories of Whit, Connie, Eugene, and Barclay family. As embarrassing as it is, I don't think there is an episode that I haven't ...
My Husband Was Correct
There are two topics that my husband has been trying to convince me. One I discussed in my ebook "A Quiet Time, Worth the Time." The second involves exercise. Before I go on, let me put things in perspective. There is not a person who has ever or will ever combine my name with words like athlete, marathon, or Olympic hopeful. To put it in ...
Have You Joined SISTERS?
About a year ago, I created a Facebook group with the mission of supporting women in their spiritual journeys. With the introduction of our new ebook and a nudging of the Holy Spirit, I have decided to shake things up with a new name, a new description, and a new purpose. Keep reading to see how you can be part of our group too! Mommyhood is ...
A Quiet Time, Worth the Time
Yesterday I shared my New Years resolution. And I asked you to join me. I also shared that our new ebook is being released today and I am super excited to hear what you think. A few weeks ago, I asked for a few of you to give me your first thoughts. Within a few minutes, I received several offers. And the response has been amazing. Almost ...