Her slumped shoulders and darkened eyes said it all. Her social media posts send flares of warning to the skies begging someone to provide hope and help. She is the epidemy of yet another absolutely, positively overwhelmed and exhausted mom. It's not a new look. I've seen the haunting images at church. At ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Gratitude: Your Key to Beating Burnout
Some research shows an astounding 93% of mothers feel burned out today. By definition, "burnout is an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion." 93% of moms are burned out. Can you relate? I know exactly how you feel. I’ve experienced that overwhelming exhaustion from rushing between activities. I’ve felt drained from the endless ...
How to Avoid the “Shoulds” and Fully Enjoy this Holiday Season
If you’re an intentional person, chances are you’ve already started planning the perfect Christmas activities for your family—the ones that will help your children or grandchildren fall in love with baby Jesus, make good choices, and someday reflect back on your efforts with deep appreciation. But if you’re a procrastinator, you have plans to pull ...
Do Your Understand Dyslexia: Dyslexia Bible Review
Most likely you have heard about a learning disability called dyslexia. Many people associate it with reversing letters. But 2 years ago, I learned that about dyslexia on a personal level when after 10 years of searching for the cause, my daughter was given the dyslexia diagnosis finally providing a path to help. You may remember in my post ...
Happy Thanksgiving!…and Winner!
Several years ago my daughter wrote this poem for school. Gobble, gobble, gobbleIt's time for me to sayStuff yourself with turkeyAnd have a thankful day. Gotta love 2nd grade humor! Did you know that I thank God for you? Yes, you! I pray for you and ask God's blessings on your life. So, what are you waiting for? Eat ...
Am I Truly Surrendered? Insights from “I Surrender All” by Priscilla Shirer
I have a question for you—one that I encourage you to really reflect on, not just quickly answer: Is Jesus your Savior or your Lord? Priscilla Shirer writes, "Here lies the thin line of demarcation that separates the believer from the disciple. The saved life from the surrendered life. ...Salvation happens in that moment. But being His ...
Thanksgiving Challenge: Building Gratitude Through Play
Introducing the "Thanksgiving Challenge: Building Gratitude Through Play" Game! This Thanksgiving, I'm excited to present a special challenge game that will not only build lasting memories but also foster an attitude of gratitude in both you and your child(ren). Plus, provide some accountability and encouragement. So, let's dive right into the ...
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Review
If you have grown up in the church, the Christmas story may feel like second nature. You know the young virgin giving birth to the Savior in a stable, wrapping Him in swaddling clothes, and placing Him in a manger. You’ve sung the songs, and you can recite the Bible verses celebrating this incredible news. But have you ever thought about how ...
Let This Holiday Season Be Different
As we roll into the busy holiday season, now is the perfect time to be intentional with our families or students. This season offers countless opportunities to "impress" (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) the love of God and love for others on the hearts of our children or students. Whether through simple acts of kindness, fun traditions, or creating meaningful ...
How to Know God’s Will for Your Life
Updated from 2018 post. As I dove into the fourth week of the Priscilla Shirer Discerning the Voice of God study, it was like a light bulb switched on in my mind. Suddenly, I realized I've been going about things all wrong. For the past three weeks, Priscilla has been guiding the reader to recognize when God is speaking to them. She ...