As a parent, you’ve probably wondered how to instill respect in your children—especially when you notice them showing more respect to others than to you. It’s a common struggle, and one that Jessica, a listener of our Parenting to Impress podcast, recently asked about. After viewing the Grace and Truth Discipline video series, she noticed that her ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Preschool Prayer Songs
Do you struggle to get your family or classroom quiet and focused for prayer? A prayer song might be the solution you’re looking for. Not only does it help calm a children’s body, but it also prepares them to talk to God. I’ve found that a simple prayer song can turn a chaotic moment into a peaceful, unifying experience. Let’s explore how you can ...
How Do You Teach Kids to Pray?
As parents and teachers, we know that teaching children to pray is one of our most important roles. But for many of us, prayer is difficult in our own lives, and the idea of teaching it to our children feels like one more to-do on our very long list. But what if we choose to see prayer as a beautiful invitation to connect and communicate with ...
Starting Your Child’s Reading Journey with Bob Books
Several years ago, a friend asked if Bubs was reading Bob Books. I hadn't heard of them before, so we checked them out from the local library. After seeing their potential, I immediately ordered a set. Since Bubs already knew the phonetic sounds and could blend them together, he was ready to start reading. Just like first steps and first ...
What’s a Christian to Do with the Enneagram?
I find the brain fascinating. How God created each person beautifully unique, yet with similar traits, is humbling and amazing. That's probably why I have enjoyed learning about personalities. It has helped me understand myself, work with others, and better parent my kids. My favorite personality resource is the Enneagram. This guide became ...
Simple Ways to Encourage Kindness in Your Kids
When my kids were young, we spent a lot of time in the car waiting for various activities to begin or end. Instead of turning on screens, I kept a classic or award-winning chapter book or a Bible in the car to read. One was The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. This very interesting story is about a china rabbit named Edward ...
How Chores Can Help Reduce Child Anxiety
Growing up on a farm, work was a significant part of my life. Whether it was loading livestock into the trailer, preserving vegetables from the garden, or cutting thistles when the grass was waist-high, there was always something to be done. It took everyone working together to stay on top of it. However, I believe that working together has many ...
Creative Ways to Celebrate a Child’s Salvation {Free Printables}
Helping a child embrace Jesus as their Savior brings great joy to a parent or teacher. It's a pivotal moment where, with child-like faith, the child acknowledges his or her sins and seeks forgiveness (Romans 10:9-10). Indeed, there's no greater celebration than when a lost soul finds its way to Jesus (Luke 15:10). It's a day worth cherishing and ...
Unlocking the Secrets of Godly Families
Have you ever looked at a family and wondered what they are doing at home? You know there is something special happening because you see that their kids are respectful, obedient, and helpful. It’s like they’ve tapped into some secret sauce of parenting! Well, I’m excited to invite you to revisit one of our most popular Parenting to Impress ...
How to Create and Use a Prayer Journal to Deepen Your Faith
If I were asked what has had the biggest impact on my spiritual life, I would say, without hesitation, my prayer journal. However, it's important to know that my experience with prayer journals hasn't always been great. Each time I purchased or received a prayer journal, excitement overflowed as I imagined that this journal would suddenly ...