Today is the big day! First day of our online book study of Tedd Tripp's book Shepherding a Child's Heart. I am super excited to see what God teaches each of us. If you missed yesterday's post, today will begin a discussion of the Preface and Introduction. Click over to the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group to join in!But, ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Book Study: Ready, Set….
Last week I invited you to an online book study of Tedd Tripp's book Shepherding a Child's Heart. So many of your shared your excitement to join. As a precursor, on Monday, I shared ideas to help you prepare your heart for the study. I hope that you have found the time to do each of them. Today I want to share ...
Doing vs. Planning
credit An article title from our local newspaper caught my eye. Doing vs. Planning Immediately I tore it out, not even taking time to read what the article contained. The title was enough to get the Holy Spirit speaking. How much time to I spend planning? How much time do I spend doing? Let me ...
A Bible for Young Women
Sweet Pea was so excited when I shared this new Bible with her. As she is improving in her reading skills, she is desiring to have a "real" Bible to call her own. Young Women of Faith Bible is a brand new study Bible from Zondervan just for young girls. It is a Bible that is "designed to encourage [the young woman] to develop a ...
Book Study: Ready…
I am thrilled to see the growing list of mommas who desire to join the ABC Jesus Loves Me Book Study of Tedd Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart. So much so that I have lost count! The countdown for the start day is just three days away - Thursday, May 1st. So what do you do until then? 1) Make sure you have a copy of the book Shepherding a ...
Are You Teaching Your Daughter How to Care for God’s Creation?
The title "Nature Girl: A Guide to Caring for God's Creation" came across my email and I was intrigued. From Amazon: Love God, Love the Planet As you become an expert in all things green, Nature Girl offers fun ways to care for God’s creations while enjoying the wonders of nature! With activities, recipes, science experiments, and much ...
Are You a Human Pinball?
See if you can relate: I am "in it" right now. I have two toddler boys and another 9-month old boy following hot on their heels. I was never a super-together mom, but having my third really threw me off kilter. After four years of no breaks between pregnancies and the newborn/night feeding stage I feel like I'm in a permanent state of exhaustion. ...
Join Our Book Study: Shepherding a Child’s Heart
The Tedd Tripp book was suggested in a comment in our ABC Jesus Loves Me Group. I wasn't surprised because it has been shared several times by our group members. Actually the premise of the book Shepherding a Child's Heart is the reason why the 4 Year ABCJLM Preschool Curriculum focuses on character education. Digging deep to ...
Why Do We Worry?
Worry. Stress. Stomach in a knot. Can you relate? But then I read in the Word and see who God is, I feel foolish. Why do I pick up the cross and try to carry it myself? Sweet friends, read these promises and rest in the fact that God is the great I AM! Because God chose to create me, I will be confident He ...
Alphabet Season Books
Did you read my review on the new Alphabet seasons books written by Kathy-Jo Wargin and available from Zonderkidz? If you didn't, be sure to click to read the review on the Winter book. Today I am going to share with you the summer and fall books. F Is for Fireflies: God's Summertime Alphabet & P Is for Pumpkin: God's ...