credit I found this page in a folder of Women's Ministry tools that I have collected over the years. I thought I would share it as a basis guide to help you during your quiet time. The guide is based upon the A.C.T.S. prayer model: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. This is similar to the D.R.A.W. Deeper ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Seven Truths About Real-Life Parenting
Real-Life Parenting ...
Guest Post: Back in Time?
credit A dear friend of mine wrote this wonderful post on her blog Yes, and So is My Heart a few years back. I encourage you to let her wisdom sink in. A few weeks ago, my sweet four year old, Ann, asked me something about what age I'd like to be once more. I thought about it and decided I wouldn't really like to be any other age as I ...
Teachable Moments and God’s Character
To conclude our series on Teachable Moments, I want to explain how the Holy Spirit has taught me to use the characteristics of God to impress upon my children. I love explaining to our kiddos who God is because God doesn't change and what they are learning will stay with them their entire lives. When they make a wrong choice, we talk about ...
Teachable Moments and Bible Stories
I believe there are three avenues in which we can impress God upon our children through teachable moments. Yesterday I shared how the Holy Spirit is helping me use Bible verses. Another way is to use Bible stories. (Read the beginning of the Teachable Moments series.) Think Jonah, Paul, Moses, and Noah. Yes, those Bible ...
Teachable Moments and Bible Verses
Now that you know what teachable moments are, and when, where and why they should occur, I pray that you have begun seeing them pop up in your daily activities and conversations. (Begin with the first post of this series.) In today's post, I am going to share how to utilize the teachable moments when they come up. In my mind, the ...
When, Where, and Why Teachable Moments Occur
Teachable moments. Are we taking advantage of them? In order to utilize the opportunity, we must understand what a teachable is, and then where and when these moments occur. If you remember from yesterday's post, a teachable moment requires no preparation and these opportunities are unplanned. Thus, ...
What are Teachable Moments?
Teachable Moments. It's a phrase that you will hear a lot on my blog and the ABCJLM Preschool Curriculum website. And with almost 1.5 million search results on Google, it is a phrase that you have probably heard a plethora of other places as well. Our next blog series is going to take a look at what teachable moments are, when and where ...
This is What I Need
credit If you are like me, this poem states exactly what we all need...guidance. I encourage you to take the time to write this poem on a notecard and pray it throughout the day. Then have peace knowing that God will answer your prayer. God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in my eyes, and ...
God is…Our Guide
credit Fourteen months ago I released my first ebook entitled "A Quiet Time, Worth the Time." In it, I encouraged every one of you to spend time in the Word and prayer before starting your day. So many shared with me how precious your time has become each morning. Praise the Lord!Fast forward to the present and the Holy Spirit ...