Did you know that the Parenting to Impress Podcast offers 37 episodes of encouragement and biblical parenting tips? If you haven't taken a moment to listen, I believe you are missing out. But don't just take my word for it. What Others Are Saying An anonymous listener left this review: Parenting to Impress is a great parenting ...
How to Give Even When Money is Tight, Part 3
70% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. 2/3 of people don't have a written plan for spending. The majority of people are not ready for an emergency over $1000. With money so tight, how can one even think about giving or tithing? In the final episode of this fantastic series on "Hope in Christian Finances," we dive into tithing and ...
Are You Raising Selfish Kids?
Of course, no parent wants to raise a selfish child. Yet it can so easily occur. Love and Logic created a list of six ways to guarantee raising a selfish child. (Hint: You want to do the opposite!) As Melanie and I always do, we've taken this list and compared it to what the Bible says. A few in this list may surprise you! ▼ Jump ...
5 Tips to Raising Successful Kids
A few weeks ago Bubs and I attended a college Scholarship Competition. The college invites potential students who have a specific GPA and ACT score to interview for the top scholarships. During this time, we also had the opportunity to visit classes and meet professors. The Engineering Department Chair shared something I can't stop thinking ...
Blind Spots in Parenting: Technology, Part 1
What has surprised you as a parent? In my 18 years of parenting, a few blind spots have caught me off guard, particularly in the areas of technology, sexual purity, discipline, and raising successful kids. Why do I call them blind spots? Because these are issues that I couldn't see clearly as I traveled the roads of parenting. I needed the ...
New Year, New You – Really?
It is just a few days into the new year and I wonder how many of you have dropped the resolution(s) you made for 2023? Or maybe you never made one to begin with. How often do we make goals only to feel like a failure when we can't keep them? Maybe resolutions are dumb and we are actually setting ourselves up for failure. This was my sentiment ...
How to Overcome Loneliness in Motherhood, Part 2
When Heidi and I hit record on this podcast we thought we'd address a listener's question about experiencing loneliness in motherhood. Because as we started processing our own experiences, we discovered that loneliness isn't something that only happens during one season of motherhood. In fact, feeling alone occurs throughout our lives. Part 1 of ...
Characteristics of a God-Centered Family Part 3
Wow! This Parenting to Impress Podcast series with youth pastor, Scott Jones, and the corresponding blogposts have just been so encouraging to me! I hope you've been able to join the conversation and have been prompted to think about the attributes of a God-focused family. My husband and I have been processing through these ideas, prayerfully ...
Behind the Scenes with Parenting to Impress
Seven months ago Melanie and I began sharing on the Parenting to Impress Podcast what God has taught us, mistakes we have made, and stories of God's faithfulness. And as only God could do, there have been so many downloads that Parenting to Impress is in the top 10% of all podcasts! Amazing! But, do you know the most popular podcast episode? ...
How to Have a Quiet Time
What if I told you that you could completely change your life by adding just one thing to your day?What if I told you that the one thing would only take 1% of your total day? Would you do it? You’d be crazy not to! 1% of Your Day If you have been part of this blog family for a while, you won't be surprised that the one ...