God is a personal and relational God. He desires for every believer to talk with Him, particularly through the act of prayer. We know this and it sounds so simple. Yet, why is prayer so difficult sometimes? Maybe you don't feel adequate to pray because it's never been modeled for you, or you've never been taught how to pray. Then there ...
How to Engage Your Child in Meaningful Conversation
As mommas we spend much of our days talking to our kids. We tell them to come to the table, to clean up their toys, get dressed, and so on. There are so many opportunities throughout the day to communicate instructions. But what about conversations? Not the one-sided commands that we have to issue. I’m talking about the times when we get ...
What Lies Are You Believing? {Free Printable}
I’m not good enough.No one likes me.Everyone else has a clean house.Their kids are smarter and cuter. And the list of lies goes on. Lies that we aren’t enough and everyone is better. We firmly believe that in order for us to be able to live out our God-given, Parenting-to-Impress mission to the fullest, we need to be ...
The BIG Reveal
Last week we promised a big announcement - exclusively to you! And I couldn’t be more excited to share. Before I do, let me give you a little background info. A few months ago the name of this blog - Our Out-of-Sync Life - was changed to Parenting to Impress. The changes to the logo, URL, and color palette paved the way for ...