Man, oh, man! I found an error on the very first day. Not sure how this got by all of the proofreading! But the wording is wrong for "This is the Day". This is the correct wording: This is the day (echo) That the Lord has made (echo) I will rejoice (echo) And be glad in it (echo) This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice ...
Huggies Reward Codes
Update: First comment has already been left. Thanks! I have two huggies reward codes to the first person to leave a comment with their email address. ...
A Chore for a Chore
Let's face it. We all get lazy sometimes. We all have selective hearing sometimes. Right now our kiddos are struggling with both. My solution - an additional chore. Here are some examples: - For some reason Bubs has started leaving his pajamas on the floor of the bathroom instead of placing ...
Start Day is Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the official start day for the ABCJLM curriculum but it is never too late to start. Don't want to print off the curriculum yourself? Place a donation and receive the 3 and 4 Year Curriculum in spiral book form. ...
Creation Bible Story with Flannelgraph – Weeks 1-4
Since I realize that flannelgraph may be new to several of you, I want to share boards for Creation, used in the 2 and 3 Year Curricula. Using the Betty Lukens Bible Felt collection along with the Teacher's Manual, I came up with the following boards: Sweet Pea and Little Man had so much fun playing with the pieces. After ...
The Kissing Hand
In my post "Books to Prepare for Kindergarten", I mentioned the book The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. My mom gave this book to Bubs to read before he went to Kindergarten. On the first day of school his teacher read it to him as well. Google "the kissing hand" and you will find a 420,000 results. This book has ...
Updates and Additions to the ABCJLM Curriculum and Website
I am always working to make the ABCJLM curriculum and website better - either through things that I find or emails from you. Whenever you send me suggestions, errors you find, and corrections, you are blessing others! Here are the latest updates and additions: ABCJLM Worksheets - After using the Blank Tracing Line Worksheets with Sweet Pea, ...
Every Girl Should Watch This
If you have not seen this video, you must. I believe every late elementary and teenage girl should watch this video with her mom. It will change your view of reality. ...
I am Overwhelmed!!!
Updated to ...
5, 4, 3, 2, 1…It’s Preschool Time!!!
I can't believe it, but it's already time for school again! Here are 9 tips to help you start the year off right. 1) Gather the supplemental supplies (books, craft supplies, games, Bible) suggested for each curriculum. I found it easiest to putting craft supplies in a plastic tote for quick use. Also, place on hold the needed books at the ...