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Review: Ruby’s School Walk
Ruby's School Walk was published at a perfect time - just in time for school to start. While walking to school, Ruby is faced with various fears. Her mom helps her combat these fears through gentle words, speaking on her level, and encouragement. I just finished reading this book to Bubs and Sweet Pea. Throughout the book ...
Great Education Website for Free
Amelia sent me an email reminding me of the wonderful free site - ABC Teach If you haven't come upon this site, you really should take a trip over. Here are just a few of the free items that you can print off: Flashcards Cut and Paste Worksheets Coloring Pages Matching Game ...
Crafts from Juice Can Lids
My Mom found a Shining Star magazine from 1993. Although 1993 doesn't sound that long ago to me... when I started doing the math, I realized that this magazine is 17 years old! Oh my! Anyway, this magazine was filled with ideas that I have added to the curriculum as well as some that I will post on this blog. Crafts from Juice ...
ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form Review #2
Here is another review by an ABCJLM user! Thank you LaToya for sending me the link and letting me share with others! Last year I went on the search for a free Christian preschool curriculum to work with Bubba. After looking through a few choices I settled on ABC Jesus Loves Me (ABCJLM). While I didn't use the curriculum as much as I'd ...
ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form Review
I received this wonderful review of the new ABCJLM Curriculum in Book Form from Cheryl. She gave me permission to share it with you!Hey there Momma C! I received the curriculum the other day. I've been drooling over it ever since! It is absolutely perfect! I am so excited to use some....actually many, many of the ideas and activities with my ...
Review: EcoStore USA Products
Having little ones and a septic system has gotten me thinking about all of the yuck in household cleaners. I have looked into making my own cleaners but decided to wait until I used up what I have. Then I was given the opportunity to review products from EcoStore USA. Their products are 100% plant based.Our eco friendly, ...
Need Books, Please!
You have raved about the 3 Year Curriculum Book of the Week. Now it is time to add a Book of the Week to the 4 Year Curriculum. But, I need books worthy of being on this list! Please give me your favorites! ...
Making Cards: Tissue Paper & Vinegar
Making cards is a great craft for kids. They work on imagination and fine motor skills. Above that, they work on showing love to others when these cards are mailed or given away. The picture below is the latest in our crafts experiments. I was looking for a get-well-soon card and came upon the idea of using vinegar ...
Blog Award
Wow, oh wow! Martianne at Training Happy Hearts has just blessed us with the "Outstanding Blogger Award!" We can't thank her enough for this! ...