I have suggested the book Creative Corrections to many Moms and it is listed on the Mommy Survival Books page on ABCJLM. Lisa Whelchel (you will remember her as Blaire on the Facts of Life) has done a wonderful job making this book user friendly. I love the "Toolbox" sections that give you practical advice in raising godly ...
Week 26
February is quickly slipping away. This is Week 26 if you are following the ABCJLM calendar. No problem if you aren't though. The curriculum is set up to be started at any time of the year. Officially this is Valentine's Week because of how the calendar falls. Although most of the celebrations are over, be sure to keep ...
How Do I Explain, Part 3
Read Part 1 We are very prideful people. Seriously! We want everyone to believe that we are great moms who love and discipline our kids perfectly. If someone thinks differently, we are hurt on a personal level. A part of me wants to tell the whole world that Bubs has SPD. Then if he has a rough day, I won't look so ...
SPD Books
Here are two more books about Sensory Processing Disorder suggested by Mama Pickles. Thanks!! Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder Product Description: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition affecting at least one in twenty children who experience sensations in taste, ...
Sensory Processing Disorder Book
Ayn suggested the book Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues to me. I have not read it but the product description looks great! Click to find out more... Thank you Ayn for this suggestion! ...
How Do I Explain, Part 2
Click to read Part 1 I do everything in my ability to prepare Bubs to have a successful day. Whether at home, at church, with friends, in a restaurant, wherever. If I know that his day is going to be filled with lots of excitement, he starts the day by jumping on the trampoline for 7 minutes. It is just like brushing his teeth for him. ...
Valentine Bag
Here is a fun Valentine's bag. Simple to make and looks cute! ...
Tissue Paper Heart
Today I had another blast from my past as Sweet Pea and Bubs made these Tissue Paper Hearts. I cut two heart and many, many squares of tissue paper. I think they turned out great! Supplies: - Construction Paper Heart - Don't make it too big unless you are going to do this activity over several sittings. These hearts were a ...
How Do I Explain, Part 1
Last fall, I posted the question "How Can I Help?". I wanted to know the questions that you have about Sensory Processing Disorder. A couple of days ago, I received this question: How do I explain what my son needs, like at Sunday school and AWANA, without scaring people to expect the worst, or setting them up to let him get ...
Homeschooling Pal?
A 28yr mother with 3 and 1 year old girls in the Netherlands has contacted me through the ABCJLM curriculum. She would like to have an American email buddy/friend concerning Home Schooling. Is there an experienced HS mom out there who would be willing to take this sweet mom under your wing? Email me so that I can get your address to pass it on to ...