A few months back the government changed a few of the rules and regs concerning blogging and reviewing items. You may have notice these changes on various blogs that you read. A few of you have asked so I wanted to take a moment to explain these new items to you. 1st - When I am asked to review an item by a company, I am not ...
What’s in the Bible?
Hear Phil Vischer explain why he created "What in the Bible?" as well as see excerpts. Remember to keep checking in because I will be giving away two coupons for your very own free DVD of What's in the Bible?. ...
New Button
You may have noticed that Our Out-of-Sync Life has a new header and button! Although the old button will still work, we would love to have you add the new one to your site. By adding our button, you are letting other people know about this blog as well as our sister sites ABC Jesus Loves Me and Interrupted Expectations. This ...
ABCJLM Week 28
Can it really be Monday morning...again? This is Week 28, if you are following the ABCJLM calendar. 3 Year Curriculum Feeding the 5000 Duck on a Bike Sort, fish, and fingerpaint Memory Obstacle Course Number 12, Letter Uu 4 Year ...
Dinner Time
Every once in a while, my husband will remind me what dinner time use to be like at our home. I don't think that I have forgotten, necessarily. I just think that I have blocked it out because it used to be horrid! A reader left this comment: Have any ideas for meals at the table? At 4 1/2 we still deal with many knocked over ...
Review: God Loves You
The Berenstain Bears: God Loves You! is my final book review of the Living Lights series. And, this is probably my favorite. The Berenstain siblings have tried out for separate activities at school. They are crushed when they get parts but not the ones they were hoping for. Mama and Papa teach the cubs ...
Book: Deep Harbor
One of the perks of my ABCJLM hobby is that I get to review books, CD's, etc that companies have to offer. I love this opportunity but I also take it very seriously. I realize that by putting my "stamp of approval" on something, it better be good! While most of the time, I review children and parenting items, sometimes I get the ...
Rough Week
Our rough stage continues - day six. I just got off the phone with our OT (did I mention how much I praise God for this lady!). She is going to have us start using a "brushing technique" and is also going to put Bubs on a behavior plan that he has to bring back to her at therapy on Monday. She was amazed at how far Bubs has ...
What’s in the Bible?
What's in the Bible?: Genesis - Volume 1, In the Beginning DVD As I stated yesterday, our family has been given the awesome opportunity to get a sneak peak preview of the brand new series What's in the Bible?. Yesterday afternoon our kiddos were already asking, "can we watch more of that funny video?" I was excited to watch more as ...
Holding School with More Than One Kiddo
I received a very sweet email from an ABCJLM user. I can't tell you how much I appreciate emails from you! Thank you so much for ABCJLM!! ... I discovered the site a few weeks ago, we are starting week 3 and love it! I sit with all three big kids at the table and do our Bible verse, story and character trait all ...