What's in the Bible?: Genesis - Volume 1, In the Beginning DVD My family and I just sat down to view the very first video in the brand new - not released yet - DVD series called What's in the Bible. I am pretty excited. The kids were laughing and exclaimed many times that they really liked the video. My husband and I were ...
Week 27
Sorry, I know this is late! Rough week :-) This is Week 27, if you are following the ABCJLM calendar. 3 Year Curriculum - Good Samaritan Charming Opal - a fun story about losing teeth. Watch Are You My Neighbor to reinforce the Bible story. Number 1-12 and Letter Tt 4 Year Curriculum - Respect God I Need to Talk to You About ...
Finding an Occupational Therapist
Throughout the blog, I have raved our Occupational Therapist. Ms. W truly is sent by God. She pushes Bubs to do better and be better. She comes along side us so we can work at home with him. I praise God for leading us to her. I also realize that it is through OT that we have regained our son. I realize that ...
Stop the Silly?
I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how to handle a large part of Bubs' sensory issues. But there is one that I am struggling with. That is silliness. Bubs is excessively silly. Not just five-year-old-silly. I realize that this is common of these kids. I am talking over the top. So, I ...
Rough Weekend
Bubs had a really rough weekend. It was a roller coaster of emotions with him happy at one moment and screaming fit for the next. As I have stated before, Bubs is a very sweet little boy. His "fits" are so few and far between now that when they hit it totally takes me by surprise. I have had others ask me what I mean by ...
Wish Box
A sweet friend of mine posted this idea on their family blog. I knew that I needed to share it with you!. If you could request 10 wishes to be fulfilled by your mate, what would they be? Clean toilets? I am kidding... sort of. :) Five years ago, B and I traded our top 10 wish list. Here is what we did. I bought/found 2 boxes, one girlie and the ...
A sign hangs in a corner of our playroom: The concept of I-Land came from a Patch the Pirate Cd - Kidnapped on I-Land. The story is about a boy names Silas who wants what he wants! Being selfish, Silas takes a trip to I-Land where he learns first hand about Jesus' unselfish love. We use "I-Land" as a timeout area to remind our ...
Memory Obstacle Course
Our OT introduced us to "Memory Obstacle Courses". They kids love them! They are a wonderful inside or outside activity that includes memory, exercise, and fun. Memory Obstacle Courses are suggested throughout the ABCJLM curriculum as a gross motor activity. I have just updated the page to help explain how ...
Learning to Write
My closest friends can tell from reading my blogs when I am really excited about something. This is a time! For some time, I have been battling in my mind how to handle letter and number writing in the curriculum. I posted about changes to the 4 Year Curriculum here. I feel like I finally have the learning, teaching, or order the ...
How did you get an understanding of SPD??
A few days ago, LaToya posted the question: How did you get an understanding of SPD?? When Bubs was just 18 months old, I realized that the "fits" that we were dealing with were not normal. I talked to friends and family members but they didn't get it. They didn't understand the magnitude of these fits and really how helpless I was to ...