Pin It Hopefully the Christmas season is coming to a nice conclusion for your family. The Christmas decorations are getting put away, gifts have found a home, and life is returning to a normalcy. One of the activities that should conclude your Christmas season is sending out Thank You cards. I can hear the moaning already! I ...
New Year, New You – Your Turn
(Blogger is incorrectly showing blank pages when links are clicked. If the links below do not work, please view the blog using Google Chrome or Firefox. Hopefully it will be working soon. Sorry for the trouble!) Are you fashionable challenged? Has fashion become an idol to you? Where are you on the style ...
New Year, New You: Fashion and Christianity
For the first week of January, we have been focusing on You! Using Shari Braendel's book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad: A Style Guide for Every Woman, we are learning the importance of taking care of ourselves - the outward appearance. Also Shari is teaching us how to dress our best with what God has blessed us ...
New Year, New You!! – Fashion and a SAHM
Yesterday, I introduced you to the new book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad: A Style Guide for Every Woman by Shari Braendel. Did you sign up for the giveaway?? In the past blog, I shared with you the topics that Shari discusses in her book to help Christian woman dress and look their best. But as I read this book, I ...
New Year, New You!! – Book Review & Giveaway
Unless you are one of "those girls," you and I walk hand in hand on the struggle with fashion, makeup, and accessories. I am not saying "those" in a bad sense; its just that the club for fashion-savey women is small. Let's set the record straight. I am not one of "those" girls. I am still trying to ...
New Year, New You!!
Ladies, I am so excited about the New Year. The mistakes of 2011 are behind us and a clean slate is sitting before us. January 1st is a wonderful time to make changes in our spiritual, physical, and mental areas of life. It's a time to get perspective on the cards we hold and what lies ahead. Want to know something crazy ...
Happy New Year!
Follow Us Friends, I can not be more excited about the blog series "New Year, New You" starting tomorrow on this blog. Two great giveaways and a question/answer session with a professional fashion speaker and writer! I hope that you will join us. Go now and join the other 1500 follows of this blog so you don't miss any of the ...
Christmas Traditions: Gift Giving
Christmas would be a wonderful holiday if it wasn't for the gift giving. Too strong? My apologies. Put yourself in my shoes. Who wants to take four children to a crowded store to try and find something that someone will like knowing very well that they will probably take it back anyway? (Very thankful for the ...
And the Winner Is…
And the randomly chosen winner (from of the My Favorite Bible Giveaway is... Rachel W. Rachel W shared one of her favorite Christmas traditions - Although we've been married awhile,our daughter is only just old enough to start really understanding the things we are trying to teach so this year and last have mostly been spent ...
Review: The Beginner’s Bible Book of Prayers
Honesty here. Not like I am not typically honest but just to state a point. I do not like books of prayers. I find them boring to read and my kiddos find them boring to listen to. Typically, they have precious illustrations but I fail to see the point. This book of prayers changed my mind. The Beginner's Bible Book ...