A tradition that our family has each December is to create food baskets for our neighbors, many of whom are retired. Instead of just dropping the gifts by, we try to set up a time for the family to come to our home or for us to visit them. With ten families on our list, we start early in December scheduling times to visit. ...
Christmas Traditions: Photos of Prayer
We love to receive Christmas cards. It is a chance to see everyone through a picture and catch up on what is happening in their lives. But what do you do with those cards and photos after you read them? Turn this mail into an opportunity for prayer. As you receive Christmas photos in the mail, place them in a photo ...
Deal too Good to Pass Up: Laminator
If you are looking for a laminator to protect items - this might be the time to jump. Right now, Amazon is offering a Scotch Thermal Laminator for only $16.99!!!!!!!!! That is 79% off the $63.50 regular price. Laminators are great for craft products, protect flashcards, and cards. So many ideas. You will see a ...
Christmas Traditions: Christmas Crafts
You could spend all of December doing crafts found on the internet for Christmas. ABCJesusLovesMe.com has several suggestions as well. Macaroni crafts may be one of my favorite. Why, you may ask? Because unlike many crafts, this is one that my young kiddos can do mostly on their ...
Christmas Gift Options
Looking for a great gift for a sister-in-law, friend, sister, co-worker, day-care provider, teacher???? Do you realize that ABCJesusLovesMe now has five books available in print? It's true! Each is filled with the simple yet fun ideas that make up the ABCJLM website. These books were created at your request to save you the ...
Christmas Traditions: Sweet Christmas Blessings
A link to a blog post on Stringer Mama was placed on the ABCJesusLovesMe Forum. I definitely want to pass it along as it contains six precious traditions for the holidays. Here are some highlights: Use Christmas cards as a reminder to pray for people. Set up a Christmas tree for Jesus. Release helium balloons (This is a fun idea!) Take ...
December: Making Memories
Several months ago I mentioned that my mom gave me a 1993 issue of Shining Star magazine. Included in this issue is an excerpt from Jody Capehart's book - Cherishing and Challenging Your Children. The article called "Making Meaningful Memories", contains practical tips to create family traditions and memories throughout the year. ...
Giveaway: My Favorite Bible
Baker Publishing Group contacted me about a giveaway that they are holding to spread Christmas cheer. Love me some giveaways so I thought I would pass this opportunity on to you! This is the information that the publisher gave me concerning this book: My Favorite Bible: The Best-Loved Stories of the Bible is a book of exciting Bible ...
Rain of Blessings: Day 24
Post your blessings to let the world know that God is into the details of our lives and we have much to be thankful for. Day #24: I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, ...
Review: Come on Over!
I am going to be honest. I have been putting off writing this review. I find myself in a very unusual situation. To put it simply...I don't know what to say. I can't decide if I like these two DVD's or not! So, I am going to tell you about them and then hopefully at the end you will be able to come ...