In January, we hosted a blog series called "New Year, New You." During this series, I introduced you to fashion consultant, speaker, and author Shari Braendel. To end the series, Shari took your fashion questions. Here are the answers to half of the questions... Shari, My question is about shoes. For one I have a heck of a ...
Four Seasons – Handprints
(function() { window.PinIt = window.PinIt || { loaded:false }; if (window.PinIt.loaded) return; window.PinIt.loaded = true; function async_load(){ var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.async = true; if (window.location.protocol == ...
Review: Princess Stories
Sweet Pea loves it when I review princess books. So much so that she will ask if I have a new one yet. Princess Stories: Real Bible Stories of God's Princesses by Carolyn Larson is the latest in the list. Twenty-nine Bible princesses fill this book's 120 pages. Each section begins with a poem: "Mirror, mirror on the wall" and goes on to ...
Review: Hugs and Kisses, God
Hugs and Kisses, God: From Kids Around The World is new Lift-the-Flap book by Allia Zobel Nolan. Each page includes a folded portion that when opened reveals additional sentences and pictures. The book begins... We're all children of this great big world - from Maine to Timbuktu How do we show God we love Him? Let's make a list of ...
Creative Roads
Cars, roads, buildings, and bridges equals a child's play place, laughter, and fun! Transportation is one of the units in the 5 Year ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum. So, Little Man, Sweet Pea, and I built a road system using painter's tape (do not use masking tape as it will leave a residue). With a basic figure-eight ...
The Last 48
Think back to your last 48 hours. Go ahead...think about what you did. Now, think about what you are proud of from the last two days. Maybe you bit your tongue instead of lashing out or you chose to spend your time wisely. Yeah you! It's okay; go ahead and celebrate!!! But, what about those activities, thoughts, and words you would like to ...
Recipe: Chicken Quesadillas
My sweet friend, Lee, served these Chicken Quesadillas to us one evening. Since then, this has become a meal that I fall back on. It is also one of my most requested meals by the fam. Not sure what it says about my cooking because this recipe is super easy! Ingredients: Chicken - cooked and shredded BBQ Sauce ...
Grace, Grace, God’s Grace
A while back, I posted a review on Lisa Whelchel's new book Friendship for Grown-Ups: What I Missed and Learned Along the Way. While I can't highly suggest the book, there is one point that I can't get out of my mind. If you have already read the review, I apologize but this is something that needs to be said twice! Lisa talks ...
Nature Walk and Poster
Here's a fun activity that we did a few days back. Make a Nature Poster - Walk around the neighborhood or park collecting different items from nature. Use spatial words as you find things (i.e. The leaf up high...The red flower between the...) Back at home, create a poster and glue items on. Add the title "Our ...
Review: Every Which Way to Pray
We have had so much fun reading this book! Every Which Way to Pray (Everyday Zoo) by Joyce Meyer is precious. Love the plot, illustrations, and humor. Hayley and Harley Hippo believe that they know everything there is to know about prayer. Harley has the book The Rules of Prayer. Through the help of several Everyday ...