A few days ago a question was asked on the ABCJLM Facebook Group about the amount of media use allowed each day. Great question. It was interesting to read the range of answers... from no media use to no limits. Risk of Media Use The research is unanimous. It doesn't matter if it is educational or not...it is media. Use of and watching media ...
Day to Day
How to Accomplish Your Goals
According to Forbes.com only 8% of people achieve their New Years Resolution Goals. This statistic makes my heart sink because as I have shared in our current blog series, I have some goals and I desire to see them to fruition. And I know that you do too! So how can we take our goals - whether about our health, finances, time ...
New Year, New You: Being Intentional
We've covered goals for: Health √Feeling My Best √Daily Quiet Time √ Last resolution for 2017...Be Intentional. In praying about my resolutions, I realized that one of the reasons why I am not as intentional with my family as I could be is due to my lack of planning and too much unfocused time. Sometime I get a little ADHD and bounce ...
When a Door is Closed…
source And like that the door is closed. I am no longer the mom of littles. Yesterday I delivered all four of my children to elementary and middle schools to learn, grow, and love others for another school year. They are big kids now and I don't like it. My babies are growing up. Obviously I knew this day ...
A Parent’s Prayer for the School Year
It's mid-August and in a blink I am closing the door on being a mom of preschoolers and opening the door to life as a mom of a middle school pre-teen and three elementary-aged children. So many emotions in that statement. As I begin this new stage of life, I know that I need God's wisdom and strength. I need His ...
Are the Current Events Causing Fear?
I am a news junkie. Each day I read the archaic information piece made of ink and paper after watching the news on TV. I feel as a Christian it is important to know what is happening around us in politics and society. But not lately. I know what I will hear if I turn on the news and unglove the paper. Hate. Lies. Corruption. ...
Please Don’t Overprepare
Every summer a range of emotions hit the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group. Excitement. Anxiety. Being overwhelmed. Relief. New members to the ABCJLM family are easily influenced by the various posts in the group. Thus, every June, July, and August I post the same reminders to help encourage all ABCJLM users steady the emotions that ...
Why Being Busy Is Not My Goal for This Summer: Summer Goals and Daily Schedule
I am so excited that I could bust! This is the kids' last week of school and summer is so close I can taste it. Almost three months with all my chickadees back under my wings. Some of you don't share my excitement. You've already enrolled your children in every VBS and camp in the area desperate to keep the children entertained - and ...
Time to ReFocus: Bringing in the New Year
Image Source - lusi Everywhere I look people are talking about the new year. Changes they will make. Weight they want to lose. Organization that is going to occur. They promise that the new year is going to be different. Healthier. Better. But if you are like me, those changes last until January 12th. Life throws a curve ball, ...
Is the God of All Comfort Your Comfort?
Kristin realized she was a sinner saved by grace. But, she was stuck. Everything she tried ended with excuses and in failure. While she desired God to take control of her life, she continually sought out her "mommy drug" for comfort. Something to make the tough situations of the day bearable. She knew that there was more to the Christian life ...