A while back I woke up cranky. Bite-your-head-off cranky. Looking for a fight, I was mad at the world. And for no reason. I slept well. No one did anything to tick me off. I. Just. Woke. Up. Cranky. Please tell me that I am not alone in this.... Knowing exactly where I needed to go to turn this around, I was led to Zephaniah ...
Day to Day
When Being Intentional Adds Stress
A few weeks ago a momma in the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook group shared a raw post of frustration and exhaustion. She spent all day "Being Intentional" only to be left with a sink full of dirty dishes and a supper table requiring a meal. We've all been there. It is a daily challenge to be intentional with those God has placed in our lives and ...
Is Keeping Your Children Busy the Answer?
A few weeks ago I asked the following question as a poll on Facebook. True or False: It is best to keep toddlers and preschoolers busy so they stay out of trouble. While it wasn't my ambition to create a tricky question, it was my hope that the question would cause each reader to stop and think. And, I hope that it will start a constructive ...
Impacting 2017: Are You Healthy?
Are You Healthy? For the past four weeks we have looked at healing the mind, body, and soul so that we can fully love God and others. It is easy to see unhealthy people around you. They do unhealthy things like live in fear, isolate themselves, let bitterness or depression control their life, or they stop taking care of their bodies. But it ...
Impacting 2017: Be Intentional Planner
UPDATE: The Traditional 2018 planners are no longer available for purchase, but an 8.5x11" July 2018 - June 2019 planner is now available to order! How is it that 2017 is 80% finished? They say that life goes faster the older that you get, and the fact that 2017 is flying by is proof. Must. Stop. Blinking! Thinking back to my four New ...
God, What Have You Asked Me to Do Today?
And that's a wrap. As your read last week's post, we closed the door on summer and we are ankle deep in school for my four kiddos. Because I want to practice what I preach, I pulled back the last 3 months to focus on my family. Today I sit at the computer ready to take whatever next step God has for this ministry. But this peace hasn't come ...
How to Be Intentional with Your Child
This popular post has been updated here - https://parentingtoimpress.com/2024/10/play-based-learning-made-easy-for-busy-parents.html ...
Tips to Have Successful Meals with Children
From a young age, my dream was to have the "Walton" family. The icon of the perfect American family shown on a popular TV series in the 1970's. I dreamed of fun family devotions. Going camping. Serving neighbors and those in need. I envisioned our family of six sitting down to meals while everyone talked about their day and laughed over the ...
Are Constant Interruptions Frustrating You?
How many times has this happened? You fill the sink full of hot soapy water and dirty dishes. You get four dishes cleaned, rinsed, and placed in the drainer only to hear, "MOOOOMMMMM!" You step away to take care of the issue. After multiple interruptions you remember the original task at hand - the dishes. Entering the kitchen you drain the cold, ...
Guest Post: The Unexpected Journey Part 2
Her 13-month-old daughter refused to eat any solid foods and was not growing. For all moms, this statement takes our breath away. But this is exactly where Cindy found herself two months ago. Did you read her story? Today Cindy is returning to update us on her Unexpected Journey. To make a long story short, something "clicked" for my baby ...