credit If you are like me, this poem states exactly what we all need...guidance. I encourage you to take the time to write this poem on a notecard and pray it throughout the day. Then have peace knowing that God will answer your prayer. God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in my eyes, and ...
Day to Day
How To Handle Interruptions
How many times has this happened? You fill the sink full of hot soapy water and dirty dishes. You get four dishes cleaned, rinsed, and placed in the drainer only to hear, "MOOOOMMMMM!" You leave to take care of the issue. After multiple interruptions you remember the original task at hand - the dishes. Entering the kitchen you drain the cold, ...
Helping Children Take a Thankful Bite
How many of you have memories of sitting at the table hours after a meal finished because you didn't eat everything or refused to try a morsel of broccoli, brussel sprouts, or beets? I do. And if you asked many in my generation why we were told to eat the particular item, we would have said something like, "Because my parents told me to." ...
Keeping it Between the Ditches
Reading the title of the book, Great Parents, Lousy Lovers by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham (read my review) made me think of some other phrases. Can you relate to any of these... * Great Mommy, Lousy Wife -or- Lousy Mommy, Great Wife * Lousy Mommy, Great Housekeeper and Cook -or- Great Mommy, Lousy Housekeeper and Cook * Great Mommy, Lousy ...
Seven Major Blindspots of Homeschooling and Parenting
source Have you seen the newest article to go viral on Facebook? Which one, right? The article written by Reb Bradley sharing the seven major blindspots of homeschooling. Most of you know that we don't homeschool - for several reasons - but I was intrigued to read it since my cousin (who also doesn't homeschool) shared it. I am so glad ...
When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers
A few weeks ago I shared one of my favorite book series - Terri Blackstock's Restoration Series. Beyond the amazing storyline, the fourth book, Dawn’s Light, contains one of the best illustrations of grief that I have found. Please know that the excerpt below is a huge spoiler alert, so read with caution! Here is a little background ...
If Your Child Can Memorize Dora…
source Daily, I receive emails and comments from friends of ABC Jesus Loves Me Preschool Curriculum and this blog. These emails encourage me so much and I praise God for each of you who take a moment to bless me. A few days ago I received this email from an ABCJLM user in Florida. It was what she said about Dora that made me stop and ...
How to Create Learning Stations at Home
source Preschool, churches, and schools are now using stations to help children with independent and persistent play as well as interactive learning. But stations are now being used in homes. (If you have missed our series on teaching your child independent play, please click to read the beginning post.) Here is a description of ...
Wisdom from You!: Bringing God into Your Every Day Life
Pin It We are always looking for ways to bring God into the conversations we have at school. Falon shared these two ideas on our SISTERS group on Facebook. We have trained our children to come and ask for prayer whenever they get any sort of owie. Whenever we go somewhere or do an activity I ask, "What is our number one goal?". All ...
Getting a Child to Sit for Story Time
Pin It Kim shared this simple yet wise idea on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group: For stories, songs, and poem learning we have "rug time" We lay a 'baby' quilt (since they are smaller) on the floor. Then, each child gets a throw pillow to sit on that is his or her "seat." After just one week of doing this routine, ...