Pin It God is showing my husband and I - in so many ways - the importance of how we act while our children are around. Because, we all know that values are caught and not as much taught. While reading during my quiet time, I found these verses in I Timothy 4: 11 Teach these things and insist that everyone learn them. 12 Don’t let ...
We Need Girlfriends!
Pin It I have blogged several times about the importance of having godly women in your life. God made us relational for a reason. To be able to grow and stay strong as a mom, we need the support and love a close friend can give. I found this poem several years ago and wanted to share. A friend is one who STRENGTHENS you with ...
But My Children are Young, I Can’t Do What You Are Asking!
What I am about to tell you may ruffle your feathers. But hang with me on this one and see how you feel after reading the entire post. In the last few days, I have asked you to specifically set time daily aside for God and your husband. Those minutes that you guard because the person you are spending the time with is of great ...
Encouraging Verses for Women
On Wednesday, I shared encouragement from the Scriptures. In return, you shared your go-to verses with me. I wanted to compile some of the verses that you gave me (thank you!) so that we can all easily find, memorize, or share these verses with other women in our lives. You may even want to pin (button above) or share (buttons ...
Trust and Lean
Mommyhood is rough! Today, read and be encouraged. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 Friends, we don't have to know it all. We don't have to understand everything. If we trust and lean, the Lord ...
I Have Not Stopped Praying For You
I love praying the scriptures. There is power in praying God's Holy Word. The scripture and prayer below comes from a message spoken at our church this summer. This morning, I have prayed this for each one of you! Colossians 1:9-14 9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. ...
Most of the Time I Feel Like I’m Barely Holding it all Together
I pray that you will be encouraged as you read this article written by Trevin Wax and featured on the Focus on the Family blog. It will be worth your time. I encourage you to replace your name or the pronoun "I" for each "you" in the article. Dear _______, [I am] a gift of God to [my] husband and [my] ...
Flick Him Off
Two weeks ago, we were thrown a curve ball. It began with the words, "severe delay." Once again, we heard that Bubs was months behind in development. A fact that takes the breath out of this momma. In January, I began to see some red flags concerning Bubs' reading and spelling. After talking to his teacher, we buckled down at home ...
Anger Management for Moms
Kids bring the worst out of their parents, especially moms. We do things and say words we never thought we would say to our own flesh and blood. A couple of weeks ago, I discussed my own anger issues and tendency to yell at my children out of frustration. In this post, I shared some ideas that I have found in helping with ...
Why is Quiet Time with God so Important?
My husband interjected an interesting comment one day into a conversation that I was having with a friend. We were discussing morning quiet time and the importance of. He said, "God took Heidi to the point that she had to have quiet time to make it through the day." Backing away from the situation, I realized he was correct. The chaos, ...