As soon as a Karen Kingsbury book comes out, I try to get my hands on it. Her newest novel, Leaving (Bailey Flanigan Series), is in the mail as I type this review! Stay tuned for a review of this book soon - though I promise not to be a spoiler. I knew that Karen Kingsbury has written some children's books but I hadn't read ...
Review: Departures – Two Rediscovered Stories of Christy Miller and Sierra Jensen
As a teenager, I devoured the Christy Miller series. I ordered each book as soon as I learned through my Focus on the Family magazine that they were available. I stayed up deep into the night reading about Christy and Todd. When I saw that a rediscovered book was available, the part of my brain that holds all of my ...
Review: Seeds Family Worship – The Power of Encouragement
I can not say enough good about this CD!!! Love. Love. LOVE! My children can not say enough good about this CD!!! Fav-or-ite! Power of Encouragement is the fifth and newest CD by the Seeds Family Worship. Once again, they have done an amazing job creating the CD. The moment that I received this, I ...
Review & Giveaway: Boysterous Action Figures
Boy were my boys excited to see my newest review product! Action figures and play zone just for them! I was excited because it is so hard to find quality, wholesome toys for boys that you can easily take with you. Both Goalie Gavin and Slope Shreddin Sean are 9" tall action ...
Review: Kids’ Train Ket Set 2 & 3
In February I introduced you to Kids' Express Train KET sets. KET stands for Kid's Express Train. These sets of CD's help children with speech and language. Today, I am going to specifically cover KET Sets 2 and 3. Each set contains two music CDs of at least 24 songs, a 12 page manual, and CD-Rom that contains 100's of pictures in color and black ...
Review: Who is God?
Who is God? Quite a question. But as our children get older, I find the questions are getting tougher. Who Is God?: A Story of Wonder and Love for Kids puts these questions into story form about two children who visit their grandpa at the farm. Situations arise the cause Adam and Annie to ask some big ...
Review: The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes
Even though we grew up states apart, my husband and I grew up with the same children's devotional. Both of our families used the The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes book. I know of other families who used this devotional as well. The author, Kenneth Taylor, founded Tynale House Publishing and was ...
Review: Therabreath
I will try about anything; as long as it isn't harmful, that is. When a review for TheraBreath came up, I was game. I don't think that I have horrific breath. At least I have not been told this on a normal basis. But, why not make sure. Right? TheraBreath sent me three items - Therabreath Fresh ...
Review: Princess with a Purpose
A few weeks ago, I encouraged everyone to purchase A Warrior Prince for God. Today, I will introduce you to the "girl" version of this book. Princess with a Purpose is very similar to its brother book. (If you haven't read the other review, be sure to before reading this one.) A little girl has a dream that she ...
Review: How to Be God’s Little Princess
How to Be God's Little Princess: Royal Tips on Manners and Etiquette for Girls is the newest book by author Sheila Walsh. At only 127 pages, this book is a go-to manual for girls on dress, dining, poise, friendship, body care, planning a party, media, manners, etiquette, family, and inner beauty. Quizzes are given in a fun manner to help ...