Our calendar of activities...Add? Subtract? Change? In this fast paced world, this may be one of the toughest challenges we as parents face. But what drives our calendar? Well rounded kids? Keeping up with the Jones? Not wanting to be home? We have an overall goal for our family - to further the ...
New Printables – My Color Books
Just created - "My Color Books!" I got the idea of creating color books from Bubs' Kindergarten class. He enjoyed reading them so much that I decided to create my own and add them to the end of the 4 Year Curriculum. There are nine color books along with one blank book to create your own. Each book contains a title, a ...
Review: Keys of the Kingdom Computer Game
Keys of the Kingdom is the fourth computer game produced by Left Behind Games that I am reviewing. Unlike the Charlie Church Mouse games, this CD-Rom is rated for everyone and contains a series of brain teasers. Each of the 100 levels progressively get harder. The games are set around the premise of castles, a king, and Sir ...
Sensory Tubs
Part of Sensory Processing Disorder is struggling with the feelings of touch. Sensory tubs can be created to help expose your child to different feelings. In our home, our "sensory tub" is the sandbox under the swing set or a sink or bathtub full of water. Bubs' OT had a beans and rice pool as well. Typically we do ...
And the Winner is…
I just realized that this post was never posted (stayed in draft)!! I am so sorry! And the winner of the Striking Daily Defense Product Duo (value $100) is... DebbiePlease email me your address so that I can have the company send you the product! Thank you to all who left a comment! ...
Review: My Memories Suite
One of my favorite hobbies is scrapbooking. After losing my sister, it became even more important to me. Up until now, I have only done traditional scrapbooking but have been intrigued by digital scrapping. I jumped on the opportunity to review the My Memories Software. There are about 25-30 Designer Templates, 1500 ...
Waffles in the Freezer
To help with school time, the kids assisted me in making waffles so that we would have a nice supply in the freezer. This is my favorite recipe. I actually doubled the recipe this time (pictures above) because when you have the mess you might as well do more! 3/4 cup sugar 10 cups whole wheat flour 2 t. soda 4 t. baking ...
Ideas from Other Blogs
Here are some ideas from two other blogs that I follow. Thought you might enjoy them as well! I Can Teach My Child: Making a Mini Chalkboard Cute idea and very simple to make. Use for school time or decorate with it! Preschool Playbook: Cooperation Games Several great ideas from the ...
Game: FunnyBugs Picture Bingo
Some friends gave us FunnyBugs Picture Bingo for Christmas. The game contains 10 Bingo boards, 75 Bingo Markers, and 32 Picture Cards. I was very impressed with the clarity of the pictures. They are colorful and easily read and contain a wide assortment of objects. Bingo is an excellent exercise for Visual ...
Giveaway: Striking Skin Care
On Thursday, I introduced you to Striking Skin Care. If you missed the review, you maybe missed the giveaway opportunity. Here is a reminder. Be sure to leave a comment. Giveaway: Striking Daily Defense Product Duo (value $100). Wow-oh-Wow! Yes you read this correctly. I have been giving the ...