There are several wonderful "count-down" books available to help your child understand the progression of counting backwards. One book that I recommend on the 3 Year Curriculum's Book of the Week is Five Little Ducks. Another great book is Ten Wriggly, Wiggly Caterpillars by Debbie Tarbett. I am not sure where my mom ...
Go to the Source
After a rough night of pregnancy, I woke up pretty discouraged and worn down. Although I am thankful for the process and feel very blessed, I don't enjoy the nine months that precede holding our brand new baby in my arms. For some reason God chose for our children to be born half grown which causes for a very large momma (what I call a ...
Review: Adventures in Booga Booga Land
We watch very little TV in our home. When the kids do watch something, it is typically a DVD such as Veggie Tales, Boz the Bear, or What's in the Bible? or educational programs on TV. I am always looking to expand our library with quality videos that echo the morals and values that we teach in our home. Adventures in Booga Booga ...
Pocket Card
This is the second card that we made. This craft can be used for a Mother's Day card, thank-you card, get-well soon card, or any other idea. Begin by cutting out two of the pockets using the template. Decorate. Glue along the sides and bottom edges. Place a note inside the pocket. For more card ...
Writing Negative Reviews
A sweet friend asked me if it was hard for me to write negative reviews about products? While 85% of the products that I review are wonderful, there are those few that I don't think make the grade. On one hand, a company has intrusted me with a product to increase their advertisement and sells. On the other hand, ...
Big Book Of Christian Crafts
My aunt gave me this book to use - Big Book Of Christian Crafts. I really enjoyed looking through the ideas and found several that I want to give a try! There are crafts that are very simple with others that can be more indepth. Check your local library or order your own copy! Stay tuned as I will be blogging about ...
Want to Be a Guest Post Writer?
Calling all ... Our Out-of-Sync Life is looking for people who would like to write guest posts. So many topics to write about. The sky (almost) is the limit! Interested? Let me know! ...
Review: Jesus Calling
I am always interested in devotionals for children. As I stated earlier, Bubs is ready to move on after reading through the The Beginner's Bible: Timeless Children's Stories several times with his Daddy. Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids by Sarah Young is my latest devotional review. Each daily devotion ...
Craft: 10 Lepers
If this is your first visit to our blog, welcome! We hope that you will stay awhile and check out the rest of Parenting to Impress blog as well as our Free Preschool Curriculum website - Thanks for stopping by! When teaching the Bible to children, I constantly try to think of ways to make the story applicable and age ...
An Escape
My dear friend posted a blog about the temptations of life. This is one of those blogs that everyone needs to read. God has used it to speak to me... So, I might as well admit it, sometimes during Bible Study I'm making my grocery list or my to-do list. I know I shouldn't, but somedays I have a hard time focusing. Shocking, ...