I just finished reading The Boy Who Changed the World with Bubs. Boy, did it spark some conversation! First of all, an overview: The book contains four stories that are tightly linked together. It is through the stories that a child can see the influence they can have on the world. The othe rall theme is that "every little ...
4 Year Curriculum Adds “Book of the Week”
I am so excited!! The 4 Year Curriculum along with the 3 Year Curriculum now includes a "Book of the Week." This list includes books that are a little bit longer and require more vocabulary maturity than the 3 Year list. When you are finished with the curriculum, your child will have been introduced to 28 of the top children's books ...
Review: Charlie Church Mouse Early-Elementary Computer Game
The Charlie Church Mouse Early Elementary CD-Rom is the third in my reviews of Inspired Media Games. Just as with the Preschool and Kindergarten versions, I love the elementary one. The Elementary activities are geared toward kids ages 6-8. There are six Bible stories included on this CD-Rom. - Daniel and the Lion's Den - ...
Scripture Prayer for Our Children
Ever have scripture just pop out? This morning, God spoke to me with these verses. I have never chosen scripture for my children but I have now made this my prayer for Bubs. Colossians 1:9-14 (The Message) Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise ...
Review and Giveaway: Striking Skin Care
The mirror and calendar along with the ages of my kiddos remind me that I am getting older. I bet I am not alone on these thoughts! For a while I have been thinking that I really should take better care of my skin. But I didn't know what to use. God provided Striking Skin Care by Helix BioMedix for me to review. I ...
What the First Week of Kindergarten Taught Me
Last week was Bubs' first full week of Kindergarten. To say that he was exhausted would be an understatement. So say that he loves Kindergarten would be another understatement. Looking back over this week, I have been thinking about how I did on preparing Bubs for this huge step in his life. Is there something that I ...
Review: Great Parents, Lousy Lovers
The title intrigued me. So much of my time, energy, and mental capacity is spent on being a great parent and in turn producing great kids. But in this season of life, I am drained. What gets pushed back first? My marriage. I mean, let's get real. My kids can't go without food, clean clothes, baths, love and the ...
Review: One Hand, Two Hands
Max Lucado is one talented guy. He can make an adult reread sentences about God's love because of their depth yet he can bring God's love down to the simplest terms for a child. One Hand, Two Hands is the third children's book by Max Lucado that I have read. Once again I was impressed. By use of rhyme and gentle ...
Review: Choosing to SEE
I just posted a review of the brand new book - Choosing to See - by Mary Beth Chapman on our sister site Interrupted Expectations. This is a book that needs to be read. Read more... ...
Review: Charlie Church Mouse Kindergarten Computer Game
My mom found a Charlie Church Mouse computer programs for us. Bubs and Sweet Pea immediately loved it. Little Man enjoyed watching them play. The format is very similar to the Preschool version that I reviewed last week. The Kindergarten activities are geared toward kids ages 4-6. There are six Bible stories ...