Memory contacted me about their folding cards used as tracts and for Bible learning. I was very interested and excited to receive a sample of their products. The sample that I received included two coloring cards, a Halloween tract, a scripture card, and tract. You too can receive a sample for free (plus $2 ...
Review: Dryel
This review was supposed to occur about a month ago but my dryer was dying and I had to wait for a new one to come in before conducting this review. In this review, I will tell you about the Dryel At-Home Dry Cleaning Starter Kit, Clean Breeze Scent 1 kit and the Dryel On the Go™ Stain Pen. About 10 years ago (when I was in the ...
Age- Appropriate Chores
Chores are a very important part of child-rearing. They teach work-ethic and responsibility. Focus on the Family has a list of age-appropriate chores in a new set of articles called "Motivating Kids to Clean Up." 1.Overview 2.Age-Appropriate Chores 3.Trade Chores With Your Kids 4.Inspire Your Kids to Do Chores 5.My Child Won't Do His ...
Review: The King’s Christmas List
The King's Christmas List is a new book written by Eldon Johnson to help a child understand the true meaning of Christmas. Written for children ages 4-8, the story explains that by "giving to others we are actually giving You [Jesus] present." Emma and her dog Shu-Shu go on a journey to the King's birthday ...
Making Stencils Easy
Stencils can be difficult for a child to manage. Here is an idea using a manila folder. This would be great to use with shapes, letters, and numbers as well. ...
Review: My Princess Bible
Sweet Pea's b-day is coming up and when she saw this Bible, she expressed her thanks to the mailman for bringing it to her. Obviously, this Bible is a huge hit with our almost 4 year old. She carries the Bible around with her everywhere and wants it read to her throughout the day. During quiet time, she flips through the pages ...
Bible Story Question
This question was posted on the ABCJLM website. Momma C, I was looking at Week 5 of the four year old lessons and I see that the Bible story (Ananias and Sapphira) is not in the beginner Bible. I was wondering if you knew of a similar story that I could use with my son that is in the Beginner's Bible? The character trait for this lesson is ...
You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have
Here is something to think about today, taken from the brand new book Great Parents, Lousy Lovers: Discover How to Enjoy Life with Your Spouse While Raising Your Kids by Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham. (read my review) Without loving and enjoying God first, we don't have anything of real value to pass on to our spouse, kids, friends, and ...
Curriculum in Book Form FAQ
Answers to FAQs concerning the ordering and mailing of the Curriculum in Book Form. What is in the ABCJLM Curriculum Books? The lesson plans in the printed curriculum books are almost exactly what you see on the website. The curriculum books contain only the 36 lesson plans along with the 36 Week Table but no worksheets are ...
New Printables – Sorting Patterns
Here are two printables to work on sorting. Both include ten flower patterns (two pages) that progressively increase in size. The second printable contains numbers on the patterns to allow another level of learning. Have the child cut and color each pattern. Both have been added to the ...