Cute Fingerprint Turkey ...
Impressing on Children
Insider Tips to Packing a Shoebox Filled with Love for Operation Christmas Child
Update: This post continues to be popular because of its helpful information. But because it was written in 2014, some of the information may have changed. Please check the Operation Christmas Child site for the most accurate information. I love getting to know the members of the ABCJLM Family through your emails, blog comments, and ...
Christmas Craft: Glitter Angel
Here's another Christmas craft. Color and cut out the angel on the Angel Coloring Sheet. Glue to a piece of construction paper. Outline the angel with glue and sprinkle on glitter. Let dry. Discuss how the angel told Mary and Joseph that baby Jesus was going to be born. ...
Christmas Craft: Baby Jesus in the Manger
Another Christmas craft: Cut out the small baby Jesus from the baby Jesus template. On a piece of construction paper, glue enough small pieces of brown and yellow yarn to form a bed. Glue Baby Jesus into the bed. Glue Popsicle sticks around the baby to make a manger. See more Christmas activities on ...
Explaining the Trinity to Children: Three in One
There are things in the Bible that I can't wrap my brain around. The Trinity is one of them. The understanding that God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - Three in One. Here are some ideas of yours and mine to help everyone in your home understand the awesome God we serve! Painting Shamrocks Place a blob of white, ...
Shaving Cream Learning
Have you played in shaving cream today? If you haven't, you are missing out in a fun activity which is great for sensory and motor development. One that can make your house smell great too! Shaving cream finger painting it part of the 2 Year ABCJesusLovesMe Curriculum. In the lesson plans I suggested placing shaving cream and finger paint in a ...
How to Teach Day 1 of Creation So Kids Remember It
Twice a month, I have the opportunity to lead 80 three through six-year-olds in worship and story time at our church. I love this time with these precious kiddos and am so encouraged by the joy they have for learning about Jesus. Because of the age span and vast background of the group, I try to come up with new and creative ways to tell ...
My Jesus Journal
Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong They are weak by He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. Hard not to hum along as you read these words. Why? Because there is power in these words. There is power in the name of Jesus. And, ...
Teaching Your Child How to Draw a Person
My favorite fine motor activity of the ABCJesusLovesMe Preschool Curriculum is "Drawing My Family." The activity occurs four times in the 3, 4, and 5 Year Curricula. Keeping the drawings in a preschool notebook shows the growth and progress in the child's drawings. But, if you child isn't used to drawing people, this task can be daunting. In ...
Because They Will Only Be Little Once
They Will Only Be Little Once ...