Did you hear the exciting news? The Parenting to Impress Podcast has been named #38 in the Top Two-Mom Podcasts! It's an incredible honor, especially considering there are thousands of mom podcasts out there. Yet you choose to sit down with Melanie and me! Thank you for being part of this journey with us. For listening, sharing, ...
Impressing on Children
From Chaos to Calm: Family Vacation Tips
What's the first emotion that comes to mind when you think about family vacations? For many, it's a mix of joy and apprehension. Personally, I've experienced both ends of the spectrum; family vacations have brought some of our happiest moments and also some of the most challenging. There's something about cramming a family of six into tight spaces ...
Summer Goals for Every Age {Free Printable}
I love summertime. Just thinking about the slower pace, evenings spent outside, camping trips, gardening, and ab-building laughter with friends puts a smile on my face. Looking back through my past blog posts, I’m reminded of how much has changed—three of our four children now have summer jobs! But some things remain the same. We still use these ...
Announcing the ABCJesusLovesMe 100 Hours Outside Play Challenge!
Are you ready to say goodbye to couch potato days and hello to vibrant outdoor adventures filled with play, learning, and essential Vitamin D? Join the ABCJesusLovesMe 100 Hours Outside Play Challenge and watch your child thrive, and your life get easier! The Challenge Our goal is simple: Spend 100 hours outside with your child or students ...
From Taylor Swift to Truth: Guarding Hearts
Last week, I posted a cautionary message on social media about Taylor Swift's brand new, 31-song collection. Boy, did I strike a nerve! At this point, the post has been viewed by 29K people, garnered a plethora of comments, and has been shared multiple times - both positively and negatively. That's a huge win in the marketing world. But I can't ...
Tips to Help Kids Tackle Test Anxiety {Free Printable}
Tests are an understood part of our children's lives. Whether it's those elementary spelling quizzes, the high-stakes AP or ACT/SAT exams in high school, or even the GRE for grad school hopefuls, it feels like there's always another test around the corner. And let's face it, tests create varying levels of anxiety in our children. And for ...
How to Teach Your Child to Play Independently
Resharing from 2013 an update to one of the most popular posts on Parenting to Impress. Among moms, there's a prevalent belief that the more time you spend playing with your kids, the better mom you are. Don’t believe me? Just check social media. There you'll find picts of moms doing fun activities with their kiddos, followed by a flood ...
DIY Resurrection Eggs for Easter
Easter can sometimes be puzzling for young children, but thanks to resources like the Easter Activity Workbook, Easter Treasure Hunt, and the Wordless Book, we can help them understand Jesus' love through the holiday. Another favorite when my kids were young are the Resurrection Eggs. What are Resurrection Eggs? The idea behind ...
How to Teach the Bible as One Continuous Story
Growing up in a Bible-centered church, I knew all the classic stories like the back of my hand. Even at a young age, I could regurgitate the roller-coaster life of Joseph, the faith of Noah, and the excitement of David's youth. But if you asked me how Jesus fit into everything from Genesis to Revelation, I'd be stumped. Somewhere along the line, ...
How to Help Children Overcome Fear
This post contains affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, I may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you). "When God made you, He gave you feelings." How does that sentence resonate with you? Perhaps you wish your preschooler would have fewer feelings, or you find yourself wishing your teenager ...