Updated and reposted 2020. Parenting in the Franz house is emotionally arduous right now. Bubs, at 16, is embracing new responsibilities such as driving to school and starting a part-time job. It's as if he's spreading his wings to prepare for flight right before my eyes. I find myself wondering: When did the little boy who was the ...
Are You Losing to Gain?
I woke up this morning thinking about the quote, "In order to gain something, you must be willing to lose something." I don't know the original source but wonder if it's a modern take on Matthew 16:25, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." I understand the biblical call to deny myself ...
How to Break Free from Lies to Embrace the Truth
Ever wonder why stories about people not practicing what they preach hit us so hard? We've all seen those headlines about people who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. It's a sobering reminder that integrity isn't just a word – it must be a way of life. This ministry centers around adults being intentional with the children in their lives. ...
What’s So Important about Play Stick-to-itiveness?
Resharing from 2013 an update to one of the most popular posts on Parenting to Impress.Last week I shared a simple plan to teach your child to play independently. But in writing the post, I realized that there is an additional aspect to fostering independent play: what I call "stick-to-itiveness." Stick-to-iveness is a real word. Like...in the ...
When Your Marriage Doesn’t Match Your Dreams
Her inquiry was raw and brimming with emotion. To conclude, she anonymously posted, "I'm committed to our marriage, but I am tired." I'm aware that many have experienced this same sentiment in their marriages, even though Christians often feel a great deal of pressure to have a different kind of marriage. Yet, what are you to do when you feel ...
Discovering Sabbath Rest: Trusting God in the Whirlwind of Parenthood
I emailed my aunt telling her all of our activities over the weekend. She graciously replied, asking, "What about the Sabbath?" At the time, I was a mom to four very young children who required diaper changes, food, clean laundry, and attention so they didn't get into trouble. I had to use every moment available in the week to stay afloat. But ...
How to Preserve Your Marriage Amidst a World of Divorce
If you've been married more than a day or two, you've probably realized that marriage is hard. It's the union of two sinful people striving to live as one. There are moments when calling it quits may seem easier. Yet, in God’s Word, marriage is recognized as a binding covenant with Him. So, what do we do when our marriage faces challenges? How ...
The Power of ‘What Do You Think?’ in Parenting
My daughter's teacher asked her to participate in an event. When my daughter sent me a text asking for my thoughts, I started typing my response immediately. Then I paused. Delete...delete...delete. My role as a parent is to guide my children to think for themselves and make wise, biblically sound decisions. As a teenager, if I continually ...
Here's some great news: Today begins a new year with 366 days of opportunity in it. Yep, 2024 is a Leap Year.Here's some not-so-great news: According to Forbes.com, only 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolution goals. This statistic attempts to evaporate my hopes of carrying a goal to fruition. So how can you and ...
Unwrapping Joy: Choosing Contentment over Comparison
How easy it is to get wrapped up in the holiday comparisons. I struggle every year. My house isn’t beautiful enough. Did you see her tree?The gifts I've chosen won't be what people want. They will think I don't listen to them well enough to know what they want and like. Other families have better traditions than we do. They ...