Do you long to raise children with strong faith, but your spouse doesn't seem to share your vision? It's a common challenge in many Christian families and it can feel disheartening. However, there's hope in navigating these differences with grace and understanding. ▼ Jump to Listen to Episode #46: Thriving Amidst Differing ...
Discovering Life Lessons from The Prince of Egypt: The Musical {Giveaway}
This weekend I had the opportunity to preview the new The Prince of Egypt: The Musical. Choreography. Amazing.Singing. Breathtaking.Visual Effect. Stunning. This live performance by the West End's Dominion Theatre in London was powerful. Yet, it left me pondering if there was more than mere entertainment—perhaps a deeper lesson that ...
Navigating Grumpiness: Finding Gratitude Amidst the Hard
Ever feel like you're walking through life with a perpetual frown? Are you tired of how your grumpy attitude is impacting your relationships, especially within your family? You're not alone. Grumpiness is an emotion that can easily take over our lives, especially when life becomes a bit challenging and weariness sets in. However, allowing ...
Seeking God Amidst Diapers and Dishes: Is it Possible?
View Transcript Many Christians hold the belief that making God a priority is essential to the faith. However, what if you find yourself with no time in your day to accomplish this? I so appreciate Emily's question:What if there's no room in your schedule to dedicate a few moments to God? I can't find any gaps in my day. I'm fortunate if I ...
The Power of One-Liners & Broken Records
If asked what the most beneficial tool in my parenting toolbox is, I would say - without any hesitation, "One-Liners." Also called broken records, these pre-scripted, parenting quotes have been instrumental in training my children. And parents and teachers continue to echo my sentiments as they have also seen these short phrases transform their ...
My Discipline Mistakes: New Podcast
Have you ever asked more experienced parents what they wish they would have done differently in parenting had they known what they know now? What about the boundaries that they are so glad that they held firm to? We all come into parenting with expectations of what we will do and how it will be. But not long into the journey something sneaks ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way
From the moment you find out you’re becoming a parent, everyone has a word of advice for you! When well-intentioned and from someone you trust, these words of wisdom have potential to shape and direct the course you take. But if you look to social media or Google for your advice, you’ll be overwhelmed with the results! So, how do we discern ...
Will You Choose Joy?
As a kid I learned the canon song "Rejoice in the Lord Always." "Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice" the lyrics cried out with very little meaning to a young child. But reading the command to rejoice in Philippians 4 as an adult opens up new meaning. Stealing Joy While further researching what this phrase means, I stumbled upon a ...
How to Give Even When Money is Tight, Part 3
70% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. 2/3 of people don't have a written plan for spending. The majority of people are not ready for an emergency over $1000. With money so tight, how can one even think about giving or tithing? In the final episode of this fantastic series on "Hope in Christian Finances," we dive into tithing and ...
How to Work Yourself Out of a Job
I am going to come right out and say it. Raising and releasing spiritual leaders is what God calls parents to do. While there are millions of blogs, books, and podcasts on the raising portion, very little is shared on releasing. Maybe because it is the most gut-wrenching part of our jobs. From Dependent to Independent If you follow me ...