I am in “spring” mode planting my garden and the flowerpots around the house. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the yummy produce and gorgeous display of color. But preparing the soil, pulling weeds, and planting is hard work. The beginning of Psalm 126:5 echoes this sentiment, "Those who plant in tears..." RAISING SEEDS In ...
What’s a Christian to do with Pagan Holidays?
In years past, I have been asked about Halloween. So, I wrote a post, "What's a Christian to do with Halloween?". With time I was asked about Christmas and whether Santa was good or bad. But Easter being a pagan holiday? A New Trend Up until a few years ago, basically everyone I knew celebrated Christmas and Easter. I can only think ...
Can You Be Thankful for the Valley?
Our family is in a valley right now. Thus the extremely late blog post. But I find comfort in the wisdom a sweet friend of mine shared on social media after losing her mom and dad. There are some moments when I am overwhelmed with the goodness of our Lord! This morning as I reflected over the last few years in the valley of death, I am ...
When Technology is Out of Control in Your Home
Because technology is such a large part of our lives, it is easy to become overwhelmed and unsure how to manage it in our homes. We shared the scary statistics in last week's blog post and podcast, but we can't run away from electronics. Where is the balance between allowing technology use and not? I don't have all of the answers, but based ...
New Year, New You – Really?
It is just a few days into the new year and I wonder how many of you have dropped the resolution(s) you made for 2023? Or maybe you never made one to begin with. How often do we make goals only to feel like a failure when we can't keep them? Maybe resolutions are dumb and we are actually setting ourselves up for failure. This was my sentiment ...
How to Overcome Loneliness in Motherhood, Part 2
When Heidi and I hit record on this podcast we thought we'd address a listener's question about experiencing loneliness in motherhood. Because as we started processing our own experiences, we discovered that loneliness isn't something that only happens during one season of motherhood. In fact, feeling alone occurs throughout our lives. Part 1 of ...
Will You Walk with Me?
Her slumped shoulders and tired eyes said it all. A look that I have seen so many times at church… in restaurants… at the park… at Walmart. The same image sometimes reflected in the mirror. This is the image of mommas who are absolutely, positively overwhelmed and exhausted. My heart hurts each time I cross ...
How to Get a Child to Stay in Bed, Part 2
After 3 1/2 weeks of returning Little Man to his bed, we conquered the war! If you read Part 1 of this series, you know that this didn't happen without consistency. Some kiddos don't put up much of a fight at bedtime. But then there are those who are relentless. The above three key points made all of the difference with our spirited Little ...
How to Overcome Loneliness in Motherhood, Part 1
Can you relate to this momma's honest question? Melanie and Heidi, have y'all ever struggled with loneliness, especially when you had young kids. I have a 6-year-old, 2.5-year-old twins and a 7-month-old and I feel stuck at home. I want to connect with other adults but am not finding ways to do it where it is lifegiving and not an added drain. ...
How to Get a Child to Stay in Bed, Part 1
Kids don't want to go to bed, while adults long for bedtime. Oh the irony! And I think it is these contrasting bedtime goals that can make nights so challenging. But I have some easy tips that will remove the battle and will help your child stay in bed. To begin, let me share a blog post I wrote on May 10, 2010. Little Man was almost 2 and ...