Easter is a pretty big deal at ABCJesusLovesMe and on this blog. And for good reason! It’s the holiday that we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior. But Easter can be a tough holiday to explain to children. Between the Easter bunny, loads of candy, Easter baskets, and Easter egg hunts, ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Are You Raising Selfish Kids?
Of course, no parent wants to raise a selfish child. Yet it can so easily occur. Love and Logic created a list of six ways to guarantee raising a selfish child. (Hint: You want to do the opposite!) As Melanie and I always do, we've taken this list and compared it to what the Bible says. A few in this list may surprise you! ▼ Jump ...
Is Parenting Frustrating You?
If you can answer "Yes!" to the above question, you are not alone. Even for the most "successful" parent, parenting is frustrating. But maybe for you parenting holds more emotions than frustration. Can you relate to any of these feelings? Join Us! If you can relate to any of these points, I invite you to join us on an Intentional ...
Can You Be Thankful for the Valley?
Our family is in a valley right now. Thus the extremely late blog post. But I find comfort in the wisdom a sweet friend of mine shared on social media after losing her mom and dad. There are some moments when I am overwhelmed with the goodness of our Lord! This morning as I reflected over the last few years in the valley of death, I am ...
5 Tips to Raising Successful Kids
A few weeks ago Bubs and I attended a college Scholarship Competition. The college invites potential students who have a specific GPA and ACT score to interview for the top scholarships. During this time, we also had the opportunity to visit classes and meet professors. The Engineering Department Chair shared something I can't stop thinking ...
When Technology is Out of Control in Your Home
Because technology is such a large part of our lives, it is easy to become overwhelmed and unsure how to manage it in our homes. We shared the scary statistics in last week's blog post and podcast, but we can't run away from electronics. Where is the balance between allowing technology use and not? I don't have all of the answers, but based ...
Blind Spots in Parenting: Technology Part 2
A favorite phrase of this ministry's is "Begin with the end in mind." It's far easier to make parental decisions if you know where you desire to end up! This is especially true in the realm of technology. How you want your child to utilize smartphones, tablets, and video games when they are 18 should guide the decisions you make when they ...
Blind Spots in Parenting: Technology, Part 1
What has surprised you as a parent? In my 18 years of parenting, a few blind spots have caught me off guard, particularly in the areas of technology, sexual purity, discipline, and raising successful kids. Why do I call them blind spots? Because these are issues that I couldn't see clearly as I traveled the roads of parenting. I needed the ...
How Visual Perception Activities Would Have Helped Her
I thought we were done with diagnoses. Isn't Autism, ADHD, and Executive Function Disorder enough? I guess God has other plans. Let me back up a little. Things began falling apart for Sweet Pea in the 2nd grade. Her reading level decreased, her test scores dropped, and her spelling was atrocious. But she continued to be at the ...
New Year, New You – Really?
It is just a few days into the new year and I wonder how many of you have dropped the resolution(s) you made for 2023? Or maybe you never made one to begin with. How often do we make goals only to feel like a failure when we can't keep them? Maybe resolutions are dumb and we are actually setting ourselves up for failure. This was my sentiment ...