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Leading Your Child to Salvation
Two weeks ago the most amazing, humbling, beautiful thing happened in our home. Our baby (Peanut - age 5) realized his need for God's help, forgiveness, and grace. He prayed and told God that he didn't want to live his way anymore; he wants to live God's way. Praise the Lord, my son is now my brother in Christ! As a parent, this is the most ...
A Precious Gift: Scripture Memory {Giveaway}
Last week on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group, Allison shared Memory Verse printables that she created to help her family learn verses. I loved what she posted and asked if she would explain more. Here is what she shared: What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Psalm 56:3 I just typed this verse from memory, the words ...
How to Make Bible Stories Interactive and Memorable for Young Children {Giveaway}
Twice a month, I have the amazing opportunity to lead 60-80 three to six-year-old children at our church in worship and Bible time. As you can imagine, this is no small feat as there is a wide range of development and maturity sitting on eight large carpet squares. Staying focused and sitting still is a huge accomplishment for these ...
How To Pull Application from the Bible
Pin It How do you bridge the gap between Bible stories and applying biblical principles in preschool-aged children? How does a Bible story transfer to immediate obedience? This two-fold question was asked on our SISTERS Facebook Group a while back. Such great questions and ones that all parents struggle with. How do we make the Bible real ...
Hide It In Your Heart: Music and The Word (Giveaway)
For the month of Thanksgiving, I have been reading through a 30-Day Scripture reading plan that I shared on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. Shannon, over at, compiled this wonderful collection of verses to prepare our hearts for the coming holiday. It's not to late to join me! One of the passages contained the verse ...
Teaching Your Children About God: Galaxy Buck Review & Giveaway
True or False: It is the church's responsibility to give my child a solid foundation of the Bible. While most of us would choose "false" for this statement, I wonder if there isn't a little truth to it. Here's a quote from author and executive director of global networking of Awana and KidzMatter, Larry Fowler, from his book Rock-Solid Kids. I ...
How to Give Your Children a Missionary Heart
We travel in a 10 mile radius circle every single day. Every once in a while we venture out for a vacation and holiday before we quickly jump back into the safety of our little circle. But I want more for my kids. I want them to understand that there is a great big world out there filled with over 7 billion people. Seven billion ...
Why I Believe Flannelgraph Can be an Excellent Way to Teach the Bible to Children
I am a product of flannelgraph teaching. Many of you are the product of flannelgraph teaching. If it was done well, you most likely have very fond memories. Used poorly? Not so much! Since beginning ABCJesusLovesMe, I desired to add flannelgraph as a technique to help families and churches teach Bible ...
Thanks-Giveaway #7 – Bible
I have had the opportunity to be part of several women's Bible studies and accountability groups. In the beginning years of parenthood, I clung to these groups for social reasons. These groups have lead me to some of my dearest friends. The girls that I text when I need encouragement, advice, and prayer. I also attended the groups ...