The last few blog posts and podcast episode have focused on being intentional with your summer. With the kids out of school, summer is a great time to focus on the child's heart. I often begin summer thinking about the areas of maturity that are lacking. Without a doubt, having a servant-heart is frequently high on the list. Will chores ...
Day to Day
How to Create Purpose This Summer
As I shared last week, ever May I gain a bounce in my step because summer is just around the corner. For almost three months I will have all my chickadees back under my wings! But I learned several years ago in order to thrive during summer, we must have purpose. I needed to set goals and lightly structure our day, so we didn't greet September ...
Tips for Your Summer Vacations and Goals
As we are counting down the days until the end of the school year, I am so excited about our summer! We have some exciting vacations and goals planned. Discover some tips I've learned in my 18 years of "family summers." Family Vacations God has blessed us with some amazing vacations through the years. What started as a practice ...
How to Set Up an Afternoon Quiet Time for Preschoolers
I love this question from an ABCJesusLovesMe family member: Just saw the sample daily routines on the ABCJesusLovesMe website. What is an afternoon quiet time and how do you get a busy preschooler on board? This is a really good question! Below is an explanation and some points to help get you started. What is an Afternoon Quiet ...
High, Low, Buffalo Conversation Starter
Getting children to talk about their days isn't always easy. When I ask my teen children to tell me what's going on in their life, sometimes the response is "Nothing," or "I don't know." Yet when they were younger, my role was much like a cruise director - I had to steer the conversation and keep their little minds on track. So when Heidi ...
Need Some Superpowers?
How many times in your parenting or teaching journey have you felt like you couldn't parent or teach one moment longer? You count down the minutes until bedtime or parent-pickup time. Man, I have. More than once I've wondered where my strength to take one more step would come from. I Can, Because He Did This weekend God reminded me ...
Social Media: Who are You Following? {Review}
You’ve read them. The Facebook or Instagram posts that make you want to throw your phone and hide under the sofa. The posts that the enemy uses to point fingers at you with claims that you aren’t enough and change must occur - to your living room decor, hips, children's talents, reading selection, husband's beard, shoes - to make ...
What I Discovered in an Empty Box
I came across one of my parenting blog posts originally published February 2, 2011. Boy, a lot has changed in 11 years. You'd think with a home full of preteens and teens that an old post wouldn't apply to my life anymore. But reading it, I found myself holding my breath for a split second as the Holy Spirit reminded me that the same truths God ...
What is Love?: Ideas to Teach Children
Love. During the month of February, you can find the word on mugs, t-shirts, candy, and even written on your coffee by the local barista. We tell our spouses we love them. We command our children to love others with their words and actions. God tells us He is love. But what is love? Strictly an emotion? A passing feeling? A specific ...
Advice We’ve Learned Along the Way, Part 1
From the moment you find out you're becoming a parent, everyone has a word of advice for you! When well-intentioned and from someone you trust, these words of wisdom have potential to shape and direct the course you take. But if you look to social media or Google for your advice, you’ll be overwhelmed with the results! So, how do we ...