Last week I finished the life-changing book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life. A-maz-ing. The first of June, I will begin the highly suggested Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ with my accountability group. And if you are ...
Daily Time with God
How Many Hula-Hoops Can You Keep in Motion at Once?
I was the champion hula-hoopie (if that is a word) in my elementary school. For the contest, my PE teacher told me I could stop because class was over and there was no need for me to continue with everyone out long before. While I was super proud as a 5th grader, now I realize it was some nice hips that helped clinch the title. While I can ...
Praying Jesus’ Prayer for Your Children
Prayer is a subject that I really struggle. I can't wrap my brain around the in's and out's of this complex communication with our sovereign God. When I found a prayer devotional on YouVersion, I jumped at the opportunity to dive deeper. Unlike most of the devo plans on this free app, the three-week prayer plan only contains scripture ...
Will You Drink with Me?
source On Tuesday, I challenged you and myself to spend 1% of each day (365 days a year) in the Word and prayer. While many of us believe in our hearts that this is important, it simply isn't a priority. Is daily devo time simply something we are supposed to do? Something that all "good Christian ladies" have on their daily ...
A Prayer of Dedication: Do You Dare Read It Aloud?
Ever have a cooperate reading at church that causes you to stop in the middle and question whether you should be reading the prayer aloud? The words are so intense that you can't say them flippantly, Saying the reading silently, let alone aloud, requires some deep commitment. That is how I felt when we read the following prayer as a ...
God Accepts Me. Do I Accept Me?
Grace. Faith. Peace. We want them. We need them. But do we understand on a personal level what each word means? I don't. I think I came a little closer to understanding when I listened to a Focus on the Family broadcast of the late Pastor Adrian Rogers. Read with me what Pastor Rogers shared. Grace. God's acceptance of me as a ...
What Do You Want?
source On Monday I shared my excitement. On Wednesday I shared a plan. Today I ask, "What do you want?". Deep down in the pit of your soul, are you satisfied with where you are or do you really want to change? It's a tough question. Flippantly, I think most of us would say that we want to change. We want to ...
How Do I Begin Hearing God’s Voice?
source Last week I challenged you to spend 1% of your day in the Word and in prayer realizing that 1% is only 15 minutes a day. Doesn't it seem worth this small amount of time knowing that it will cause you to grow, change, and begin to hear God's voice? In her book Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God is Speaking, ...
Book Study & Giveaway: Discerning the Voice of God.
source When you think back through your years on this earth, what have been those key moments that have changed your life? Maybe it was a sermon at church. A book that you read. A conversation with a friend. A camp or retreat you attended. Those moments in time that were pivotal to your maturity and growth. ...
Would You Give Up 1% of Your Day if You Knew It Would Change Your Life?
source What if I told you that you could completely change your life by adding just one thing to your day? What if I told you that the one thing would only take 1% of your total day? Would you do it? You'd be crazy not to! Actually the 1% idea isn't my own. I borrowed it from a post that my church placed on Facebook ...