The Most Depressing Bible Verses ...
Daily Time with God
Are You Perfect?
Pin It The word "perfect." It is a funny word in our house. Often times my husband will call me Mary Poppins and I will jokingly say, "Practically perfect in every way." Not really sure where this whole banter started but it probably will continue the rest of our lives. Practically perfect. You know...because ...
How to Daily Pray for Yourself
This post has been updated and the daily prayers for yourself is now available as a free printable. We pray for others, but do we prayers for ourselves? There are many characteristics that I desire to flow from my life, so why not add them to my daily quiet time? These would also be wonderful verses to pray over a friend ...
How to Daily Pray for Your Spouse
This post has been updated and the daily prayers for your spouse is now available as a free printable. Once again I found an idea from my Women's Ministry folder that I wanted to pass along. Today it is daily scripture based prayers to pray for your spouse. While they are written for a wife to prayer over her husband, each ...
How to Daily Pray for Your Children
This post has been updated and the daily prayers for your children is now available as a free printable. Sometimes we don't know how to pray. Other times we get overwhelmed by the magnitude of all we need to pray for our children. Below is a daily schedule that I found in my Women's Ministry folder with prayers based upon Scripture. Print this ...
Are You a Human Pinball?
See if you can relate: I am "in it" right now. I have two toddler boys and another 9-month old boy following hot on their heels. I was never a super-together mom, but having my third really threw me off kilter. After four years of no breaks between pregnancies and the newborn/night feeding stage I feel like I'm in a permanent state of exhaustion. ...
Why Do We Worry?
Worry. Stress. Stomach in a knot. Can you relate? But then I read in the Word and see who God is, I feel foolish. Why do I pick up the cross and try to carry it myself? Sweet friends, read these promises and rest in the fact that God is the great I AM! Because God chose to create me, I will be confident He ...
Which Option Have You Chosen?
credit I present before you to options. Option #1 is based upon rules, doing the right thing, following the Law to win favor. Let's look at an example from Exodus 12 where the Israelites learn what they must do to celebrate Passover. 1. On the 10th day, take a lamb 2. One lamb per household 3. Small households ...
Are You Believing These Lies?
I will never forget the first time he told me the words. I hit me like a wrecking ball to an old brick building. "You are believing lies." But, I knew it was true. My husband reminded me that I was choosing to believe the lies of the enemy over the truth of my Father. It seemed silly. Why would a person do ...
It’s Here!
Can I just tell you how utterly stoked I am to share this post? I just love the word stoked! For the past few months, I have been chomping at the bit to share with you how the Holy Spirit has transformed my quiet times. I shared a little at the beginning of the year in the posts "A Challenge for Change." But my devotional time has gotten ...