Even before a child begins Kindergarten, pressure builds to teach a child to read. But so many questions come to mind! For the next several weeks, we are going to look into the process of teaching a child to read and I'll answer each of these questions based on my experience in teaching my own children. Did you know that there are ...
Impressing on Children
What are the Differences Between Children’s Bibles and How Do I Choose? {Giveaway}
Have you ever done a search for Children's Bibles on Amazon? There are a lot of options! Paraphrase and picture Bibles. Story Bibles and theme Bibles. But which Bible is right for your child? The answer depends on the age of your child and your goal when reading the Bible. Here is how I separate the various options and the target age for ...
Best Parenting Advice from Experienced Parents
Am I doing enough to train my children to be responsible adults? Do you have questions like this keeping you up at night, too? Parenting is hard, confusing, and humbling. Which battles do I fight? Which do I let go? A few weeks ago, I headed to Facebook to talk to parents who have gone through the trenches and lived to tell ...
Car and Travel Activities for Kids
Holiday and vacation road trips don't have to be filled with frustration, boredom, and anger. Put the DVD's away and use your imagination! Padiddle (A Nighttime Game) This is a game we played in college but can be super fun with a family. When you see a car with only one working headlight say "Padidde" and tap the roof or dashboard. Whomever ...
Collection of Christmas Ideas to Keep Christ the Center
Google "Christmas ideas for kids" and you will find 65,500,000 hits - literally. Just the thought of searching through a few of these makes me feel overwhelmed. So, I have made it easy for you. I have shared links to our favorites and you can decide which ones you want to explore further. Activities Lego Christmas Activity: Impress Christ ...
Cathy Duffy Reviews ABCJesusLovesMe
I know this isn't a normal blog post day, but I just have to share! ABCJLM just received a review from Cathy Duffy. If you are unfamiliar with Ms. Duffy, she is one of the best known and respected voices in curriculum. And she just gave ABCJLM a glowing review! "ABC Jesus Loves Me is a truly comprehensive curriculum. It should satisfy those who ...
An Example of a Teachable Moment
A few evenings ago I caught Peanut (5) singing a silly childhood song about trick-or-treating, smelly feet, and underpants. (I'll give you a moment while you sing it too.) While bordering on unappropriateness, it is a song that has been sung by children for many generations around Halloween because of its catchy lyrics and simple sing-song ...
What Gospel Parenting Looks Like {Giveaway}
Between personal readings and reviews, I have read a plethora of parenting books. So many that I rarely read new publications. Yet one grabbed my attention. And I am very thankful that I agreed to review it. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family is the newest release by author and speaker Paul Tripp. Unlike ...
Bible Stories vs. Memory Verses: The Ultimate Faith Face-off!
This post has been updated to this page: https://parentingtoimpress.com/2025/02/bible-stories-memory-verses.html ...
Leading Your Child to Salvation
Two weeks ago the most amazing, humbling, beautiful thing happened in our home. Our baby (Peanut - age 5) realized his need for God's help, forgiveness, and grace. He prayed and told God that he didn't want to live his way anymore; he wants to live God's way. Praise the Lord, my son is now my brother in Christ! As a parent, this is the most ...