Wondering what to do with your little one's art and writing masterpieces? Check out this idea from 2013. With four littles in our house, our refrigerator is not big enough to hold all of the artwork and handwriting papers. I needed someway to showcase and organize the learning our children were doing during preschool time. The ...
Impressing on Children
A Precious Gift: Scripture Memory {Giveaway}
Last week on the ABC Jesus Loves Me Facebook Group, Allison shared Memory Verse printables that she created to help her family learn verses. I loved what she posted and asked if she would explain more. Here is what she shared: What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee. Psalm 56:3 I just typed this verse from memory, the words ...
Tips to Taking a Smoky Mountains Family Vacation
Last week I began a two-week series of taking family vacation to the mountains. I shared about the Rocky Mountains and our visit to the Colorado Springs areas. This week we will travel to the other side of the US to some mountains the appear to be smoking! After reading an article in a travel magazine, the Smoky Mountains were added to my ...
A Simple Way to Pack Your Child for Camp {Giveaway}
The multiple papers in the mail brought excitement and welcomed the kids to camp. While I loved seeing the smiles on their faces as they read the news, my concern in the envelope was the packing list. What did the kids need to bring and how many of each item? Thankfully the list was precise and numbers were included. But as the packing began ...
Please Don’t Overprepare
Every summer a range of emotions hit the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook Group. Excitement. Anxiety. Being overwhelmed. Relief. New members to the ABCJLM family are easily influenced by the various posts in the group. Thus, every June, July, and August I post the same reminders to help encourage all ABCJLM users steady the emotions that ...
Why Being Busy Is Not My Goal for This Summer: Summer Goals and Daily Schedule
I am so excited that I could bust! This is the kids' last week of school and summer is so close I can taste it. Almost three months with all my chickadees back under my wings. Some of you don't share my excitement. You've already enrolled your children in every VBS and camp in the area desperate to keep the children entertained - and ...
Tried and True Books for Toddler, Preschool, and Elementary-Age Children
There is no disagreement that children should be read to and read to often. The direct correlation between reading and IQ has been studied multiple times. And if you joined last week's Periscope Broadcast, you know that I highly encourage families to create a home library filled with quality books. But upon entering the library or browsing a ...
Filling Your Holidays and Home with Music: The Best Christmas CDs & Giveaway
The Best Christmas Music One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the music. I love to hear the beautiful melodies and gorgeous harmonies. Plus I love the peace that it adds to the atmosphere in our home. With the help of my Facebook friends, I compiled a list of the everyone's favorite Christmas CDs. Ptxmas - Pentatonix Christmas ...
Hosting a Neighborhood Open House
image source by gesinek When our children were very young we started a tradition of creating food baskets for our neighbors for Christmas. Instead of just dropping the goodies by, we set up a time for the recipients to come to our home or for us to visit them (many are retired). With ten families on our list, we started late-November ...
Can the 5 Year Curriculum be Used for Kindergarten?
We have received so many questions about using the ABC Jesus Loves Me 5 Year Curriculum as a kindergarten curriculum. So, I asked Alisha and Lisa to share there experiences. From Alisha: As the new school year approaches, many people have been asking whether or not it is a good idea to use the ABCJLM 5 Year Curriculum as a kindergarten ...