It wasn't even Christmas Day and the local shopping center cleared its shelves getting ready for the next holiday. And now that my Christmas decorations are down, I will follow suit and start thinking about Valentine's Day. While the holiday is filled with chocolate, roses, and sappy cards, Valentine's Day provides a wonderful opportunity to ...
Impressing on Children
How to Teach Your Child to Pray
As Christian moms, we know that teaching our children to pray is one of our most important duties. But for many of us, prayer is difficult in our own life and the idea of teaching it to our children feels like one more to-do on our very long list. But what if we choose to see prayer as a beautiful invitation to connect and communicate with God? ...
How to Pray Scripture {Free Printables}
God is a personal and relational God. He desires for every believer to talk with Him, particularly through the act of prayer. We know this and it sounds so simple. Yet, why is prayer so difficult sometimes? Maybe you don't feel adequate to pray because it's never been modeled for you, or you've never been taught how to pray. Then there ...
Candy Canes at Christmas
There is just something about candy canes and Christmas. Even if you don't love eating them, the spiral thick and three-thin stripes are the epidemy of the holidays. According to the National Confectioners Association, candy canes are the No. 1-selling non-chocolate candy during the month of December! The Origin of the Candy ...
How to Pick the Perfect Gift for Kids {Giveaway}
"What are we going to get _____ for Christmas?" This is a common conversation in your home right now. We desire to purchase quality gifts that our family will love, without breaking the bank. While a noble task, many times finding the perfect gift is not an easy one. As I have learned about child development and items that help promote ...
It’s Here! – New Christmas Activity Workbook [Free Printable]
A month ago we released the completely remodeled Thanksgiving Activity Workbook. Oh how I have loved seeing your images and videos on Facebook as you walk through the workbook. God is using it to build a heart of gratitude in children around the world. Today I am excited to announce the release of the new Christmas Activity Workbook! And you ...
Fun Play Dough Activities
Two weeks ago I shared the Best Play Dough recipe. Did you whip up a quick batch? I hope so as your children, grandchildren, and students will love to manipulate the dough between their fingers. But how else can you use the play dough? I'm glad you asked! Make Snakes and BallsRoll the play dough into thin snakes and various-sized ...
9 Ideas to Turn Halloween Candy into Teachable Moments
Opening the pantry I was welcomed by the delicious aroma of candy my kiddos collected at our church's Fall Festival. While I love the yummy smells, enough candy and sugar greet me to start a small candy store. The do-not-waste-anything mentality inside of me won't let me throw it away. But I don't want my kids eating all of it. ...
The Best Play Dough Recipe
There is just something about play dough that begs most children and adults to roll and mush it over and over in their hands. Beyond the educational value and the imaginative play, play dough is excellent for fine motor skills. Plus, it is super easy and inexpensive to make at home! And it is a suggested supply in both ...
Thanksgiving Activities for the Whole Family
Do you know that Thanksgiving is only 45 days away? As you begin to think about celebrating this holiday, enjoy these simple ideas to develop a heart of gratitude in your family - no matter the ages. THANKSGIVING SONG I love this simple idea which requires no prep or supplies. Begin each meal in November with this Thanksgiving song ...