source - brainloc Are you trying really hard to change? You don't want to be the yelling, angry, tired, impatient mom that you are and you desperately want to change. You pick up self-help books. You talk to friends. You attend conferences. You try everything in your power to become the person you desire to be. But each day you ...
Parenting to Impress Blog...
...A sister site to ABCJesusLovesMe
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7
Sweet and Juicy Fruit (Giveaway)
Fruit of the Spirit Well, I'm a fruit. Well, I'm a fruit On a big fruit tree. On a big fruit tree. ...Cause I've got peace, love, and joy, goodness, kindness, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. ...Yum, yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum. Yummy, yummy, yum, yum, yum. This was a song that we sang each ...
Cinnamon Rhodes Rolls Recipe – You Won’t Believe How Yummy and Easy This Is! {And Home Art Curriculum Winner}
Breakfast is my least favorite meal. Oh don't get me wrong, I love to eat breakfast food and prefer it over other entrees. But, I {hate} deciding what to make. Probably has something to do with the fact that I am not a morning person and would prefer to be in my warm bed. But since my children desire to be fed each day, I must cook ...
Home Art Studio Curiculum Review and Giveaway: You Will Love This!
Last year, I was asked by Lindsey to review her Home Art Studio DVD series. I was skeptical but decided to give it a try as I am a terrible artist and thought maybe I could learn something along with my five-year-old. Right before Christmas I received a wonderful set of art supplies and the Kindergarten Curriculum DVD. Peanut and I ...
What is Planned for 2016?
Happy New Year! I pray that your new year is off to a great start. Last week, I shared how I want to reFocus my own life in 2016 and today I want to share what I have planned for the ABC Jesus Loves Me website and this blog. 1. Teaching I have loved your feedback on the weekly Periscope Broadcasts/YouTube videos. You enjoy ...
Time to ReFocus: Bringing in the New Year
Image Source - lusi Everywhere I look people are talking about the new year. Changes they will make. Weight they want to lose. Organization that is going to occur. They promise that the new year is going to be different. Healthier. Better. But if you are like me, those changes last until January 12th. Life throws a curve ball, ...
How to Stop Tantrums
image source Lately there has been a common theme of questions on the ABCJLM Facebook group, all centered around the topic of discipline. Specifically, asking for help with children who throw fits and demand their way. But there are often fears associated with these questions. 1. Won't discipline hurt my child's ...
How Do You Fill in the Blank?
Fill in this equation. Jesus + ___________________ = Salvation How did your mind fill the blank space in the sentence above? Hard work? Perfection? Sacrifice? My abilities? Raising perfect kids? Building a ministry? My talents? Doing the perfect Advent activity? Actually, the answer to this statement isn't what you might expect. ...
Filling Your Holidays and Home with Music: The Best Christmas CDs & Giveaway
The Best Christmas Music One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the music. I love to hear the beautiful melodies and gorgeous harmonies. Plus I love the peace that it adds to the atmosphere in our home. With the help of my Facebook friends, I compiled a list of the everyone's favorite Christmas CDs. Ptxmas - Pentatonix Christmas ...
Happy Thanksgiving, Road Trip Activity Workbook, and Giveaway Winners
image source - Ayal87 Today's blog post is a Capricorn of ideas and info. Be sure to check out each point! Road Trip Activity Workbook Many of you will be traveling for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. Make your trip a little easier with the free ABCJLM Road Trip Activity Workbook. A collection of activities and games that we ...