All of this candy!!!! The do-no-waste-anything inside of me won't let me throw it away but seriously? I don't want my kids eating all of it and everyone knows that I don't need it!! So, what do we do with it? I found this idea that I thought was perfect and wanted to pass it along. Fill a jar with all of the candy. Label the jar with the ...
Practice Makes Perfect?
Little Man struggles to get into his car seat. Oh, it's not because he can't. It is because he gets distracted from all of the buttons, gadgets, insects, items on the floor - basically, you name it - on the way to his seat. (Remember my posts about Spirited Children?") So a few mornings ago, we practiced getting in and ...
Review: Unlocked
If you are a Karen Kingsbury fan, you have been anticipating her brand new book Unlocked. She even had an excerpt of it in her latest Baxter Family series. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity to review it! But, here I sit unsure of what to write. To be honest, about half way through a typical review book, I am already starting to outline ...
Recipe: Breakfast Burritos
Since we have to leave at 7:10 am to get Bubs to school on time, I am always looking for easy breakfast ideas to have in the freezer. I was reminded of the breakfast burritos. This past weekend, we mixed up several batches of these babies to put in our freezer. This recipe comes from a combination of my aunt, a church ...
God’s Rainbow
Today has been an emotional day. Nothing has happened really out of the ordinary. Just filled with various emotions. As I have blogged before, this has not been an easy pregnancy. But as I come to the end, the fatigue, questions, and unknown can really get to a person. While studying Isaiah, I realize that the fears that I have are not from ...
A Parenting Problem or a Child Problem
During one of my last sleepless, prego nights, an aha moment came to me. Is this current problem a parenting problem or a child problem? My question stemmed from a couple of issues that we are facing at our home. Some of them deal with all of our children while others are child specific. During my time of ...
Sin is Not Cute
I looked out my kitchen window the other day to see Little Man doing something that he isn't supposed to do. I stepped outside and told him to come here, which he disobeyed. Daddy took over for me at that point. From the kitchen window again, I saw a crying little 2-year-old trying to reason with his Daddy about why he shouldn't be in trouble. ...
Recipe: Delicious Pumpkin Seeds
This weekend we had our annual pumpkin carving with Gramps. The kids chose the faces of the jack-o-lantern using different shapes. After scooping out the seeds, mommy was left with a delicious treat. Here is the recipe that I use: Delicious Pumpkin Seeds1 1/2 t. olive oil 1 t. salt1/2 t. Worcestershire Sauce2 cups pumpkin seeds (washed)Mix all ...
“Walk Through the Bible” Falloween Night
Most of you are probably familiar with the drive-through nativity that many church do around Christmas time. Around this same concept, I was presented with the idea of what I call a "Walk Through the Bible" Falloween Night. This got my mind spinning. What a wonderful idea for churches! Present the Bible and provide treats and gifts that correspond ...
Are You Kidding Me?
I recently read a quote by Christina Applegate about how she compares the show Married With Children (which made her famous) to TV today. It's so tame (laughing). I feel like we paved the way for the destruction of morality on the tube. Are you kidding me? I seriously had to read this twice to make sure that I didn't ...