I believe if I had a heart-to-heart conversation with everyone in the ABCJesusLovesMe family and those who faithfully read this blog, 100% of you would say that you desire to raise children who obey. Sadly with the mixed messages from society and social media, the process to obtain this goal can be very confusing. I love that ABCJLM and this ...
What to Do When You Are Overwhelmed
I don't typically share two posts in a week, but God is showing me some ideas to manage my summer-stress level and I can't wait to pass on the tips! Grab the Be Intentional Planner This summer has about pulled me under. While all of the activities have been wonderful, the fun has caused me to start each morning behind and ...
How to “Grow” a Child
I am in "spring" mode. Over half of my garden is planted. The flower pots around the house overflow with little flowers. I anxiously await the joy that will come from the juicy produce and gorgeous display of color. Raising Seeds A friend posted this verse (pictures above) on Facebook. It immediately caused me to think about the work ...
How to Raise Children in a Gender-Neutral World
A few weeks ago an honest question about gender was posted in the ABCJesusLovesMe Facebook group. The longer I thought about the question and the responses, the more my heart hurt. The enemy has twisted something that used to be so simple into something that causes doubt, fear, and confusion. As you wrestle with the issue of gender, here ...
Chore and Budget System for Kids and Teens
In 2014, I shared a Money Management and Behavior System for Preschoolers. It worked beautifully in our home to teach our young children responsibility, encourage good behavior, and set a foundation for wise money management. Now five years later, our children are in school and entering the teenage years. I realize that we need to ...
Are You on the Best Parenting Path?
Her tears reflected her broken heart and unconditional love for her children. She deeply desired to raise godly children, but felt caught in a tug of war with all of the parenting information filling the airwaves. Seeing the current attitude and behavior of her children, she knew something needed to change. After a firm hug and a napkin to dry ...
What Sins are You Teaching Your Child?
A few years ago I journeyed through Beth Moore's James: Mercy Triumphs study. So full and convicting as it shined light on areas of sin in my life which I had tried to ignore or hide. While focusing on the commandment "love your neighbor as yourself," Beth pulled in Matthew 5:19 which states, "Anyone who breaks one of the ...
Let Your Children Be Disappointed
When I was young I remember a few kiddos crying after getting out in kickball or missing a question on a test. They were upset with themselves. But over the last few months, I see a trend of crying that concerns me much more than a child who fails to meet his or her own expectations. Let me explain. Twice a month I have the ...
Decisions. Are you Making the Right Ones?
I wrote this blog post in February 2009. One of the first thoughts when my head hits the pillow is "Did I handle the day's parenting challenges wisely?". Did I discipline the best way? Did I give grace or mercy at the right time? Did I use each teachable moment that occurred? Friends joined us today for a playdate. ...
From Need to Ministry {giveaway}
Eleven years ago our family had a need. To my great surprise, God took this need and turned it into a world-wide ministry. But I realize that many of you don't know the background of this "need" or the many levels of support our ministry provides. Today I share in hopes that you will utilize all that we offer and join us in praying for the ...