Runaway Pumpkin is a great Halloween book. Although secular, Bubs and I were in stitches as we read this fun rhyming book about a large pumpkin that rolls away and creates havoc across the countryside. A fun read that will leave everyone with a smile during the Halloween season. ...
Review: Really Woolly Bible Stories
Really Woolly Bible Storiesis a new board-book Bible for young children. Published by Tommy Nelson, it follows the "Really Woolly" theme by DaySpring. Seventeen Bible stories are summarized using rhyming text. The Bible reference is given on each story to further the story of the characters. Momma C's Thoughts: I read ...
It is Not….
This week, I am focusing on the "home" aspect of being a wife and mom. The struggle to get it all done while still focusing on those that are important. Here are two quotes that I recently heard: It is not how much we do but how much love we put into it. M. S. It is not how much we give but how much love we put into what we ...
God’s Concerns
This week, I am focusing on the "home" aspect of being a wife and mom. The struggle to get it all done while still focusing on those that are important. I cut this out from an unknown source while I was in college. I have tweaked it for moms. God is not concerned with how clean my floor is, how many dishes are on the ...
No In Between
With our Spirited Little Man, there is no in between. He is either amazingly angelic or frustratingly tasmanian. I will use potty training as an example. Basically, I can say that Little Man is potty trained. We started a month before his second birthday. I understand that he is a boy and boys ...
A Frustrated Momma
In my week-long posts about the Spirited Child, I find the most frustrated factor is that these kids wear you down. Whether you are consistent or not...the spirited child is. Consistent at making over-the-top choices, that is. Doing those things that you have told them over and over and over not to do. Little Man has ...
Just Bandaid It…
While talking to another mom about our spirited Little Man, I gained some very wise advice. Upon the birth of her oldest son, my friend asked her grandma for a piece of wisdom on raising kids. Her grandma told her: You can either bandaid the problem or fix the problem. When life as a mommy kicked in, my friend ...
What is a Spirited Child?
Accord to her book Raising Your Spirited Child, Mary Sheddy Kurcinka describes a spirited child as "more." I couldn't agree - well - more. I originally purchased this book because I thought Bubs was a spirited child. While a few things did prove to be true, Bubs didn't fit the overall picture of a spirited ...
Recipe: Morning Glory Muffins
Our neighbor brought these delicious muffins over as a house warming gift. We had left over shredded carrots so I thought I would give them a try. With apples, carrots, and raisins mixed with a little whole wheat flour, these muffins make a healthy snack. Plus, they are melt-in-your-mouth good! Mix together: 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 cup ...
A New Set of Challenges
Little Man is a challenge. At two, he could drive me to need professional help. Honestly, the problem is that he is too smart. He has the vocabulary and understanding of a child twice his age. But the impulse control of a 15 month old. No lie. In Colossians 3:21 it says: Fathers, do not exasperate your ...